PhLB - Luc Boonen's favorite photos

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By Amelia

29 favorites


SC71 - one word This effect is created on the ceiling of one of our rooms, when sunlight shines brightly through crystals hanging in the window. The effect is particularly strong when the sun is low in the sky, during autumn, winter and spring. Another attempt is 'doors' taken in our local town of Shrewsbury.

By Eunice Perkins

10 favorites


SC71...Sunday Challenge,,,,One Word Description....12/11/23

By Wierd Folkersma

25 favorites


SC71 - one word a second one brake

By Gillian Everett

14 favorites


Sunday challenge 71 - One word Bartletts Beach, New South Wales, Australia.

By Nora Caracci

18 favorites

one word: SMILE !

Emoticons applicati sulla porta del frigorifero di un'amica quello centrale non era un sorriso e allora l'ho modificato ;-) For Sunday Challenge

By Ghislaine

10 favorites

les 3 mousquetaires

SC71 post 12 November - one word - cela aurait pu être quatre , parce qu'ils sont 4 - ou post-traitement , parce que j'ai fatigué Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.0© et Picasa3©. - mais c'est simplement robot , parce que j'ai asservi ces robots . Tout comme ma S7 qui se repose, ces robots, malgré avec les 3 4 lois* de la robotique qui les régissent sont de bonne compagnie ! *

By Robert Swanson

28 favorites

Welcome (to the Panama Canal) (H.A.N.W.E.,HFF)

On our trip through the Canal in 2018, we saw several changes. One of which included the lawn signs near the Canal entrance. Just One Word, for Sunday Challenge. Image processed with GIMP.

By Jean Pierre Marcello

10 favorites

Petits plaisirs

Je pense que pour ses prochaines aventuresTintin boira du vin!

View on map

By Jean Pierre Marcello

14 favorites

Rain drops falling on my head...and on buganvilea!

2074 items in total