PhLB - Luc Boonen's favorite photos

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By Robert Swanson

13 favorites

Lion at Night

Taken during our safari at Kruger National Park, South Africa. Near the end of the first day, the driver took us around to see some animals in the dark. He used a spotlight to illuminate them, which probably caused some irritation... There was a pride of lions in the grass nearby, and his spotlight caught this lion quite close to us. (The lions are over-lit, but there are now some possibly dangerous shadows. Who else is in the grass, waiting for a Sunday Challenge?) I used the Panasonic GX85 with a long telephoto lens, and processed with GIMP. More night photos at:

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By Xata

14 favorites

SC86, Blur

Since I had eye surgery and I have intraocular lenses, I no longer need glasses, but I have dry eyes and need to use drops regularly. Then, for one or two minutes, that's how I see the world! Another one on PIP, just with a small focused area. About the technic used it is easy: I just put my lens in macro position and I shoot as if it was not a macro, that is in a too far range from the subject, the result is a blur ! PIP ABOVE About SUNDAY CHALLENGE GROUP, if you want to look at other entries and eventually join just go there: and enjoy.

By Ghislaine

8 favorites


SC86 - Post March 10 - Unsharp Flixbus quelque part entre Bordeaux et Nantes. Prise latérale, parfaite pour le mouvement et les vibrations, vitre sale, pluie, et Samsung aux commandes. Flou à peu près assuré, mais...un aperçu acceptable* du voyage. * je suis seule coupable du cadrage

By Wierd Folkersma

38 favorites


Around And Around

By Amelia

20 favorites

Holiday snaps scrap book

SC81 - Post 4 February - Scrapbook page Just a few of my favourite photos taken over the years.

By Gillian Everett

19 favorites

new beginning

Sunday challenge 78 "New beginning" Calendar artwork by Walery Siejtbatalow. Crepe Myrtle flowers from our garden. Every year I cut the bare branches right down in winter, then in summer they begin again.

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By Annemarie

75 favorites

हर अंत एक नई शुरुआत लाता है।.

"Every end is a new beginning". *********************************** SC78. A new beginning.

By Eunice Perkins

9 favorites

Through A Fan

Sunday Challenge...SC 78....A New Beginning..Jan.14th 2024.

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By aNNa schramm

54 favorites

... die Kugel rollt ...

... wer weiß wohin sie rollt in diesem Jahr 2024 ... Das wahre Glück, das Eigentum der Weisen, steht fest, indeß Fortunens Kugel rollt. Christoph Martin Wieland (1733 - 1813) _____ SC 78 - 14. Ja. 2024 - Thema: A New Beginning _____ Beide Fotos sind auf meinem kleinen Tisch mit Schachbrett-Muster-Einlegearbeiten aufgenommen. Einmal ein Foto mit Licht und einmal eine dunkle Gegenlichtaufnahme. Bei der Gegenlichtaufnahme glänzt der Tisch und die Kugel spiegelt sich sehr. Der Standort der Kamera ist sehr niedrig. Während bei dem bunten Foto die Kamera auf den Tisch gerichtet ist und man deshalb das Schachbrettmuster wesentlich besser erkennen kann.
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