PhLB - Luc Boonen's favorite photos

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By Jean Pierre Marcello

11 favorites

Wer will, der kann.

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By Amelia

34 favorites

SC78 - Post January 14 - A New Beginning

After 36 years in a long term relationship, Adrian and I decided to have a civil partnership ceremony yesterday, 13th January 2024. Our two witnesses, Sally and Bernard, have been our very loyal friends for over 50 years

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By Xata

42 favorites

First almond tree blossom, a new beginning !

SC78, a new beginning After a long Summer/Autumn rest Almond trees awaken !

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By Esther

28 favorites

A flight of balloons

Sunday Challenge: A NEW BEGINNING. Be creative and take the photo you would otherwise never take, in a different way, with a new perspective, a different subject, or otherwise unusual for you ... 20231221 064127 Although take a few weeks ago, this is a new type photo for me. I don't do aerial or panoramic photos and I certainly am not normally awake to see the sunrise of a new day. This was my first time riding an untethered hot air balloon. I had a lot of company with well over 30 balloons being launched to catch the sunrise.

By Ghislaine

10 favorites

nouvelle année, nouvelles résolutions, nouvelles perspectives, nouveau 1° ministre !

SC78 - Post January 14 - A New Beginning Un mur, que je photographie de temps à autre. [ Rue Brian ] Aujourd'hui ma première photo de ce mur de l'année, avec son environnemnt festif glamour ! Un cadrage malicieusement choisi... ;-) .

By Robert Swanson

17 favorites

SALT (New Beginnings)

"New Beginnings" in this case means a new lens. This is a fixed 30mm macro lens. I did a lot of testing after it arrived. (For my Micro 4/3s setup, the lens is equivalent is 60mm on a full frame). This is a particular test of the macro capability. F22 seemed to make a very sharp image.

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By Esther

28 favorites

The launch (Explored)

A hot air balloon prepares to launch in Luxor, Egypt Sunday Challenge: After Dark A20231221 060733

By Wierd Folkersma

31 favorites

after dark

SC77 - After dark please enlarge on black for a better view.

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By aNNa schramm

38 favorites

After dark

Es ist dunkel geworden - die Nacht bricht herein - die Jalousien am Fenster sind herunter gelassen. Nun spiegelt sich alles in der Fensterscheibe: die Bücherwand mit den vielen Büchern, die Stehlampe davor, die Skulptur auf der Fensterbank in der Mitte. Quergestreift die Jalousienlamellen aussen... Es ist Nacht ... _________ SC77 - After dark - 07.01.2024
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