Roger Bennion's photos

Stowe Landscape Gardens

19 Oct 2014 2 4 374
"Of all the gardens I have seen in England, this Stowe appears to me to be the noblest and best planned" ................... Henry Meister, 1799

Autumn in Stowe Landscape Gardens

19 Oct 2014 12 22 429
Happy Fence Friday :-)


19 Oct 2014 16 16 782
Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' In the centre of the Sir John Vanbrugh designed 'Rotunda' (built 1720-1) is a gilded statue of the Medici Venus so that, for me, was an easier link to “Venus” by Shocking Blue :-) It is very sad to read that Mariska Veres succumbed to cancer in December 2006. Watch/Listen here -

Stowe Landscape Gardens

19 Oct 2014 7 10 471
“Oh! lead me to the wide extended walks, The fair majestic paradise of Stowe!” .................James Thomson, Autumn, 1744

Autumn in Whipsnade Tree Cathedral

16 Oct 2014 12 18 558
From the National Trust website - “The Whipsnade Tree Cathedral made from trees, hedges shrubs and plants was created in the form of a medieval Cathedral after the First World War in the spirit of 'faith, hope and reconciliation'.” And, for sure, I reckon we need some hope and reconciliation in this world!! On a much lighter note I shall probably be overdoing the soft focus effect this Autumn me thinks :-))) Possibly better view on black :-)

The 'Sukum Navapan Gate'

10 Oct 2014 7 10 609
Happy Fence Friday :-) The 'Sukum Navapan Gate' is part of a development at Harris Manchester College that includes additional student accommodation and the Siew-Sngiem Clocktower. Designed by Yiangou Architects.

"Stairway to Heaven"

25 Sep 2014 45 24 1075
~ Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' Is it really forty-three years since “Stairway to Heaven” was released? The obvious choice here would, of course, have been the original version but, by chance, I came across this Kennedy Centre tribute to Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page the three surviving members of Led Zeppelin by Ann & Nancy Wilson (Heart), band, orchestra and singers. One to wake the neighbours up with as well :-) And, I think I may be falling in love with Ann :-) An emotional video for sure !! Watch?Listen here -

"Lost in the Ozone"

13 Oct 2014 14 14 891
Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' I almost get up-to-date here on ipernity only to slip behind again. I am determined, this coming week, to find my way "Out of the Ozone" And, that is my cue :-) ........Please listen here -

Turl Street, Oxford

10 Oct 2014 9 8 401
I very rarely try shooting into the light but thought I would give it a go with my trusty little 'ole' Coolpix even though I didn't really know what I was at :-)) From Wikipedia - “Turl Street is located in the city centre, linking Broad Street at the north and High Street at the south. It intersects with Brasenose Lane to the east, and Market Street and Ship Street to the west.These streets link Turl Street to the busy Cornmarket, and to the iconic Radcliffe Square. It is colloquially known as The Turl and is home to three of the University of Oxford's historic colleges: Exeter, Jesus and Lincoln. It meets the High Street by the early 18th century All Saints church, which has been Lincoln College's library since the 1970s. Turl Street was called St Mildred's Street in 1363, but was known as Turl Gate Street by the mid-17th century. It acquired this name from a twirling gate (demolished in 1722) which was in a postern in the city wall. The part to the south of Ship Street was known as Lincoln College Lane in 1751. Originally the Turl came to an abrupt halt at its junction with Ship Street, where it reached the city wall and the twirling gate. By 1551, it was extended by a path (known as "The path leading from the Hole in the Wall") to reach what is now Broad Street, and in 1722 the gate was removed altogether. The Turl has been closed to traffic (except for access) since 1985.”

Divinity School, Oxford (2)

10 Oct 2014 17 12 643
Norbert (Tacheles) has suggested I add this shot to 'Soundtrack to Life' and link it to "Adagio" by John Weider from the album "Intervals in Sunlight" That is a most perfect idea. Thanks very much indeed, Norbert :-) Now added to 'Soundtrack to Life' 'Radcliffe Camera' can be seen through the window :-) Please view in Light Box :-)

Divinity School, Oxford (1)

08 Oct 2014 16 14 590
~ Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) From Wikipedia - “The Divinity School is a medieval building and room in the Perpendicular style in Oxford, England, part of the University of Oxford. Built between 1427 and 1483, it is the oldest surviving purpose-built building for university use, specifically for lectures and discussions on theology. It is no longer used for this purpose, although Oxford does offer degrees in divinity taught by its Faculty of Theology." Allegedly, the Divinity School served as Hogwarts infirmary in four films, and where Professor McGonnagal taught students to dance in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I applied a Retinex filter here. From Gimp - “Retinex improves visual rendering of an image when lighting conditions are not good. While our eye can see colors correctly when light is low, cameras and video cams can't manage this well. The MSRCR (MultiScale Retinex with Color Restoration) algorithm, which is at the root of the Retinex filter, is inspired by the eye biological mechanisms to adapt itself to these conditions. Retinex stands for Retina + cortex.2.” *************Of course I knew this************* :-)))

Kop Hill Climb 2014

21 Sep 2014 3 6 414
It might look like Haurel & Lardy have a Christmas Tree in the back of their Ford Model T. And, that is absolutely correct!!!!! They were selling Christmas Trees “Buy One Get One Free”. I don't know why, but I didn't see anyone showing interest in this bargain buy :-)))))

"Green, Yellow and Red"

06 Oct 2014 8 2 362
Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' I have seen a technique in Digital Photo magazine involving marbles. So I asked Mrs B to pick me up a bag :-) Just messing about with one of the marbles I thought I could do something different by adding a red stemmed wine glass (as you would of course) and also adding a yellow background :-)) The glass was empty .....honest!! It may start to sound like everyone is my fave but Rosanne Cash is one of my fave singers and this track is on Rosanne's “King's Record Shop” album from 1987 :-) Obviously it is Steuart Smith, one of my fave guitarists, on Lead Guitar :-) And, I have worked out it is - Vince Santoro......Drums Michael Rhodes...Bass Vince Melamed....Keyboards Watch/Listen here - p.s. maybe view in Light Box :-)

Stowe Landscape Gardens

28 Sep 2014 5 6 357
This looks, to me, a little bit like a Greylag Goose but whether a Greylag Goose has white bits as well I don't know :-))

Orb'd Andrew Wiles Building :-)

25 Sep 2014 8 12 484
Andrew Wiles Building (6) I should note down exactly wot I do sometimes :-) Think there might have been some HDR goin' on here as well but who knows :-))

"Silver Thunderbird"

21 Sep 2014 9 7 854
Kop Hill Climb 2014 (4) Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' I know this is a pale blue Ford Thunderbird but for the purposes of 'Soundtrack to Life' we have to imagine that this is a 'Silver Thunderbird' 'cos that saves me trying to change its colour in Photoshop :-))) And, for me, the obvious link is “Silver Thunderbird” by Marc Cohn. I don't know why Marc is not spoken about in hushed tones in the same way as Jackson Browne, Rodney Crowell, Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Paul Simon etc. would be :-) Marc has written some cracking songs in addition to "Silver Thunderbird" e.g. “Walking In Memphis”, “The Things We've Handed Down”, “Walk Through The World”, “Olana”, “Healing Hands”, “True Companion” …the list is endless :-) Watched it coming up Winslow Down South Park Boulevard Yeah it was looking good from tail to hood Great big fins and painted steel Man it looked just like the bat mobile With my old man behind the wheel Well you could hardly even see him in all of that chrome The man with the plan and the pocket comb But every night it carried him home And I could hear him saying Don't you give me no Buick Son, you must take my word If there's a God in heaven He's got a Silver Thunderbird You can keep your Eldorados And the foreign car's absurd Me, I wanna go down In a Silver Thunderbird................................. Listen here -

Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford (5)

17 Jul 2014 9 12 774
Extract from the following website - “Mathematics plays a pivotal role in the progress of society and its continued growth relies on the exchange and development of research ideas, the encouragement and teaching of the next generation of mathematical thinkers, and outreach to the public and schools. Mathematics at Oxford has seen phenomenal growth and success over the past 10 years and to accommodate further success, the University is proud to announce the opening of the new Mathematical Institute on the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. This new building is already providing the intellectual and physical environment in which mathematical culture can thrive and in which teaching and research enrich each other.”

Kop Hill Climb 2014 (3)

21 Sep 2014 9 4 426
Here come the excuses :-))) Those peeps that have been to Kop Hill know that on the steeper part of the Hill you only get to see the cars/bikes at the last split second as they emerge from amongst the bushes and trees. It can also be quite dark in the shady bits! So, I just go with the flow and usually much prefer my blurry efforts as here :-)))

1020 items in total