Mat Twassel's photos
We discovered the broken drinking glass while unloading the dishwasher. The missing piece failed to show up after thorough search of the dishwasher and the kitchen.
Cleanup on Brick #727,420,288
Kind Cafe Wall Lamp
This place has the best bagels. Good tea too. Next time we're there I must remember to take a picture of the constellation of sesame seeds on the floor after we've eaten.
New Year's Resolution
At a restaurant yesterday I really liked the pen with which I signed the check. I asked the waiter about it, and he said it came from the dollar store next door, and he gave it to me. I think this pen will have further adventures in some of my fiction.
I liked the way the soft light licked the back of this wooden bird. The piece of tile is from who knows where. For that matter, the bird, and much of what is in our house, is from who knows where. In the backyard, yesterday's snow has disappeared. As I took this picture, I thought: Some birds believe in Geometry. Some don't.
Dirty Dishes
I decided a new kitchen would be nice, and with a little help from CoPilot... Also a helper would be a big help. Daz Studio to the rescue.
The Kitchen Sink 3
The Kitchen Sink 2
The Kitchen Sink 1
fork and bowl
Finished with my end of meal salad, I took a picture. I don't think that violates the no phones at the table rule. (Not that we actually have such a rule.)
The Missing Piece
One Small Bite
The End of the Gate
Red Mailbox
According to the owner of the place we're renting, a bear recently destroyed the bear-proof shed. So far we have not seen any bears.
(Picture DAZ Studio with my photo as backdrop.)
ceiling stains
Bringing in the Sheaves