Mat Twassel's photos

Another beautiful sunset on the Cape

Pink and Green

Tuna Salad with Cilantro Sauce

16 Jan 2019 101
This picture was mostly just to test the new photo editing ap on my phone.


04 Oct 2018 2 96
During yesterday's hike we learned that the blue dots on the trail indicated away from the trailhead and the yellow dots toward the trailhead. Onward!

Hardware Revisited

Surrounded aka Surrender

Cactus Protection


15 Jun 2018 1 1 97
I might sustain severe rebuke for plate abuse.

Red String

03 Apr 2018 4 92
From an art show in Fairhope, Alabama, but I'm not sure if this is meant to be art, for the exhibition was just being set up, and this was just there.

Shell of the Day

Third Best Knot in Apalachicola

yellow flowers with rope

137 items in total