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  • 2017-05-12 ipernity website hiccups

    == EN == Sorry if the platform was sometimes unacessible these last days... we're still working to optimize some services... We expect to stabilize everything during the week-end. Thank You for your understanding. == FR == Excusez-nous si la plate-forme a été parfois indisponible ces derniers jours. Nous optimisons certains services actuellement. Tout devrait être stabilisé pendant ce week-end. Merci de votre compréhension.

  • An Extraordinary Migration

    Summer’s heat lingered well into September this year. The mercury soared to 97°F (36.1°C) on the 8th day of the month and 87°F (30.6°C) on the 18th. Yet, despite the sometimes furnace-like breath of stubborn summer, the days were growing steadily shorter. Each morning, the sun seemed to sleep a little longer. Each evening, the sun departed a little earlier. Each minute of daylight became a little more precious. Each hour of darkness seemed to stretch beyond what should have been allotted. Th…

  • Lightbox: bigger is better! // Vue sur fond noir : plus grand, c'est mieux !

    Photo credit: Landschaft im August - Landscape (cc) Marcel [EN] Try out our brand new lightbox with WIDER photos! You can launch the lightbox from individual photo pages by clicking on the photo, or from any page where this button appears: Of course, the size of a displayed picture depends on its original size and on the max size its author allows you to see. This is a good occasion to remind you that you can check up your settings for your own photos here .…

  • Winter Greetings

    Even as parts of Europe remain locked in abnormal warmth in spite of the calendar’s having been turned to a fresh new year—Muscovites might be forgiven for wondering if the calendar forgot winter—parts of North America have experienced cold that has not been witnessed for almost 20 years in some places. An anonymous 16th Century writer once observed: This winter’s weather it waxeth cold, And frost it freezeth on every hill, And Boreas blows his blast so bold That all our cattle are li…

  • The "ipernity on black" project / Le projet "ipernity sur fond noir"

    The ipernity on Black project
    [EN] We are thinking about the possibility of browsing ipernity on black background, by clicking somewhere at the upper right corner. Here's a mockup of what the "on black" mode could be. Before we decide to implement this feature or not, we'd like to get your opinion and ideas about it. So feel free to leave a comment under this article! [FR] Nous réfléchissons actuellement sur la possibilité de parcourir ipernity sur fond noir, en cliquant quelque part dans le coin supérieur droit.…


    Il arrive qu'une porte s'ouvre là où les yeux ne rencontraient que l'inanité. De l'oublié, du déserté. Alors la vie s'infiltre dans les moindres fragments pour irriguer les veines d'une matière transformée, retournée à l'âge de pierre afin d'y inventer une autre histoire, d'entreprendre un autre voyage : celui d'une eau qui se souviendrait de sa source. La pierre chemine à nouveau vers la terre comme pour un retour aux origines, un voyage au coeur de la mémoire d'un futur. El…

  • Vivir y dejar vivir...Liberto Atlas...

    Hay una premisa importante en las relaciones humanas, que si no se cumple se puede correr el riesgo de cometer el gran error de opinar y de prejuzgar antes de ver la realidad tal cual es... Siempre que se opine hay que tener una visión muy objetiva de cualquier acontecimiento acontecido de lo contrario podemos caer en el entrometimiento y en la intromisión algo que he detestado siempre. "Vive y deja vivir" cada uno vive su vida como quiere y le da la gana, NADIE repito NADIE tiene por qu…

  • Laudate pueri (psaume112) de Friedrich Haendel

    Haendel avait 22 ans quand il a composé ce chef d'oeuvre pour soprano, choeur à 5 voix deux hautbois, cordes et basse continue. 1.Laudate pueri. SSAT soli, SATB chorus 2.Sit nomen Domini. S solo 3.A solis sortu. S solo, SSATB chorus 4.Excelsus super omnes. S solo 5.Quis sicut Dominus. SSATB chorus