Peggy C's favorite articles
Was weiß ChatGPT über ipernity?
Angeregt durch Heidiho habe ich heute morgen die Frage "Was ist ipernity" an Chat GPT gestellt. Das Ergebnis finde ich so erhellend, dass ich es gerne mit euch teile: Was ist "ipernity"? Ipernity ist eine Foto- und Medien-Sharing-Plattform, die als Alternative zu Diensten wie Flickr entwickelt wurde. Sie wurde 2007 von einem französischen Team gegründet und ermöglicht es Nutzern, Fotos, Videos, Audiodateien und Blogeinträge hochzuladen, zu organisieren und zu teilen. Ein besond…
Promotional Pamphlet
The world’s largest community run online photo and art club Independant and commercial free Member owned and run Come and see .... “we respect the freedom of art” Who are we? • Photographers • Artists • Creators • From all over the world – over 100 countries “ipernity has been my home for more than 10 years. Here are human relationships that move beyond the anonymity of the virtual world” “A lively community of photo amateurs and artists” Exchange and organiz…
6 September 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day. What a wonderful celebration we had! 73 members participated this year, breaking our previous record by 3. What amazingly varied days we all had. Starting with a gentle photo of an orange tree and ending with bright flower with insect and a collaborative stark mural on a large building. Take your time strolling through the special day in the World Photography Day group and enjoy not only the images which go…
Please help to make ipernity more popular
[EN] As a small community, ipernity does not have a budget for commercial advertising, but at least has the chance to be presented positively on Google and other relevant websites. You can help to increase the relevance there by rating ipernity with 5 stars and writing a few nice words about it. Thank you very much! Your ima team You can choose from (please click on):…
One of The Good Guys
If you were on flickr and made the leap over to ipernity in May 2013 many of us did, one of the streams that surely stood out for you was one operated by MewDeep6. MewDeep6 is the way John chose to be known hereabouts. I am not suited to write any kind of biography of the man. What I do know is that I am very lucky to have known him these past few years. I knew him, I say. How I knew him was through emails and posts on flickr and ipernity. That counts, as any of us here can attest. From…
1 March 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) One month until IGA. Sign up by April 3rd in order to attend. Our annual membership meeting will be held online on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm [Correction: 6pm] Paris (16:00 UTC) . Please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. There are two mandates open for election. 2) Meeting in the real world. We are inde…
2024: The Dissolution of America?
Image created by Dall-e 2 Today, with the USA on the cusp of an intractable split, the Supreme Court exhibited a rare example of unity handing down a 9-0 decision that prohibited states from removing former President Donald Trump from the ballot. Like him or loathe him, this is the correct decision since allowing states to determine who is on their ballots would've destroyed our electoral system since states sympathetic to Trump’s candidacy threatened to retaliate and likewi…
Alice und Ich
Es handelt sich um meine Erfahrungen und meine Erlebnisse, meine Lösungen. Man darf lachen, man darf schmunzeln, man darf gern daraus lernen. Es ist kein Artikel über die Fotografie oder über Reisen, was besser ist oder was man verwenden sollte, es sind einfach Erfahrungen und Dinge die mir wiederfanden sind. Alice ist unser Mercedes Vito den ich im laufe des Jahres 2023 immer weiter zu einem Camper ausgebaut habe und nun immer wieder, mal mit Frau und öfter ohne sie, einfach mal in eine Richtung fahre. nun wünsche ich viel Freude beim lesen. Gruß Jörg
Der Ring - Fortsetzungsroman, Teil 1
I. Im Jahre des Herrn 1240, an Matthäi, besiegte das Volk der alten und stolzen Stadt Marßen das Heer seines Landesherrn, Herzogs Siegbert I. in der Schlacht am Uelemer Bruch. Es bewerkstelligte dies natürlich nicht allein. Der Umstand, dass es bei der besagten Schlacht keinesfalls um eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen städtischer Freiheit und landesherrlicher Tyrannei ging, sollte dem Selbstwertgefühl der späteren Freien Reichsstadt Marßen jedoch genauso wenig abträglich sein wie die vergleich…
My thoughts about sharing photos and Ipernity
Orginally wtitten as a reply to a comment by Homaris on Ipernity which can be found on Ipernity News Dec 1st 2023
Duties of the Vice President of ipernity
As the current elected mandate holder, I would like to answer questions regarding the duties of the Vice President of ipernity as follows: Duties of the Vice President as specified in the Statutes, Article VII, Section 1 (B) : 1. Compiling, publishing and moderating these periodical Club News 2. Maintaining relations with external media (as far as helpful) 3. Creating and distributing press releases (very seldom, only if required) 4. Selecting and finalising eye-catching pi…
Hommage à Hubert Reeves
Hubert Reeves l'astrophysicien nous a quittés à l'age de 91 ans A chaque fois que vous regarderez les étoiles : elles vous parleront de lui. Il écrivait dans son premier livre Patience dans l'Azur (1981) Notre Univers s’étend comme gonflé dans le four un pudding aux raisins dans un espace qu'il créée, dans quelques décennies, nous ne serons plus, mais nos atomes existeront toujours poursuivant ailleurs l'élaboration du monde rappelant que les hommes sont constitués de poussières d'étoiles tit…
Ô Mélancolie !
Sous mon pinceau naît des graffitis, Des friselis, un visage légèrement enfoui. A quoi reves-tu bel ange endormi ? A un amant sans doute que tu as choisi. Ô ma ravissante aux traits si jolis Charme de tes regards mon âme ravie ! Souvent la nuit, je songe et point n'oublie. Il n'est tant d'espérance à l'homme inconsolé Marchant sur la terre blanche déjà immolée Que les soupirs d'une belle énamourée. Tout n'est qu'abandon sur un coeur infertile, Une caresse oubliée quelque part, i…
Club News - 5 May 2023
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Picture-in-picture (PiPs) in lightbox. The full screen 'Lightbox view [z]' now displays PiPs. It does not allow you to edit your own PiPs, but the feature is designed to help you be aware of PiPs when viewing other people's photos. The outline rectangles appear as you move the mouse, and then fade out when you stop moving the mouse. This is unlike the main photo page where they are always visible when the mouse is over the photo. The rectangle…
Cheb Khaled - C'est La Vie
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" " title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
2023 IGA Report
Dear members and friends of ipernity, Last Saturday, March 25th, 2023 the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2022. The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results: ● Agenda of the 2023 IGA ● Participants in the 2023 IGA ● President's report on 2022 ● Treasurer's report on 2022 ● Annual financial report for 2022 ● Minutes of the 2023 IGA…
2023 Candidatures for the Board
We look forward to the members confirming these appointments at the IGA. In reply to our various calls for candidatures for the mandates of President, Vice President, Webmaster and Moderator the following persons have come forward: William Sutherland - as President. Current incumbent, standing for re-election No one has come forward for Vice-President. Rob Stamp - as Webmaster. In the role previously, standing again Laura…
How to vote / Comment voter / Wie man abstimmt (2023)
Instead of counting comments in discussions as in previous meetings, we will be using the voting website . The German developers of PollUnit provide the interface in English and French, as well as German. At the time of writing they are testing Spanish. But this is hardly an issue when voting is with ✅ and ❌. There is also an abstain option between them. The previous separate discussions for each voting topic will instead be separate PollUnits. You will open these with a un…
Besser schreiben mit KI (?)
Seit Wochen ist in den Medien ein ziemlicher Hype um künstliche Intelligenz (KI) im Gange. Die größte Aufmerksamkeit bekommt dabei ChatGPT , eine neuartige Anwendung mit erstaunlichen Fähigkeiten und beeindruckender Eloquenz. Die Formulierungskunst von ChatGPT ist so gut, dass beispielsweise das Hamburger Landesparlament nicht gemerkt haben soll, dass ein Bürgerschaftsabgeordneter seine Rede vollständig damit erstellt hatte [ 1 ] . Im kolumbianischen Cartagena soll sogar ein Richte…
la solitude,
J'ai appris à être seule, Pour ne plus étouffer autrui, Et également à faire les deuils De ce qui était bien fini J'ai appris à m'apprécier, Pour ne plus dépendre des regards, Que d'autres pouvaient prendre ou donner, Pour une vie, un mois, un soir. J'ai appris à voir le mieux, Même quand j'étais au fond du pire, Pour que mon cœur ne soit pas vieux, Et qu'il connaisse le plaisir. J'ai appris à m'élever, Pour ne pas perdre la lumière, Je n'ai jamais cessé d'aimer, Pour que ne…
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