Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Picture-in-picture (PiPs) in lightbox.
The full screen 'Lightbox view [z]' now displays PiPs. It does not allow you to edit your own PiPs, but the feature is designed to help you be aware of PiPs when viewing other people's photos. The outline rectangles appear as you move the mouse, and then fade out when you stop moving the mouse. This is unlike the main photo page where they are always visible when the mouse is over the photo.

The rectangles will not appear if you have zoomed in on the photo, or if you are viewing comments. When browsing the photos using the cursor keys, or using the Autoplay, the rectangles will appear briefly and fade out. Depending on the background, they are sometimes less easy to see, so as an additional indicator the icon will appear towards the top right corner for a couple of seconds. Viewing this group, 'PiP ★ Picture in Picture', is a good way to explore this feature.

The Actions menu now has, 'Share (HTML / BBCode / PiP)'. The additional option PiP excludes the 'title' and 'alt' tags from the previously used HTML code. With the new 'PiP' option, instead of the photo title being included twice within the html, it is added at the end. This means that the title will appear below the PiP. Also, by shortening the whole text, the chance of exceeding the 255 character limit is reduced.

For those of you not familiar with PiPs, see this 'How-to' article:
How-To add photos inside of photos using notes (PictureInPicture)

2) Actions menu change.
As part of the update covered in item 1, two options in the Actions menu have changed. Previously, the 'See all sizes' gave access to both see and to download the various sizes made available by the owner. It also provided the HTML or BBCode for sharing content via a link.

The latter was also available from menu option, 'Share (HTML / BBCode)'. If you were used to using, 'See all sizes' when wanting the HTML code, we hope you were not confused for too long at finding it replaced by, 'Download (all sizes)' before realising you needed to use, 'Share (HTML / BBCode / PiP)'. If it had been designed with this logic from the start, it would have been fine with everyone.

3) HandBrake video transcoder.
This is an open source, free video compression tool. A smaller file has several benefits. Shorter upload time for you, and lower use of your storage allowance. And for ipernity, a cost reduction for overall storage.

From their website you can use the Docs tab for instructions in English and German. This tool also provides a solution to the problem that ipernity does not recognise the H.265 codec used by the newest devices, allowing conversion to H.264.

This information has been added to the 'Upload' page, as 'Video advice'.

4) Do you have a group for us to promote?
Are you an administrator of a group that is active both in image contributions and member interactions (for example, comments on contributions or discussions). We are looking for groups that are helping to connect members so that we can promote them.

Or perhaps you are an administrator of a group that would benefit from coming to light. Let us know and we will consider it for inclusion right here in the Club News!

5. Outside ipernity
You might be interested in this article about an AI created photo that won a contest,

Your ima team.