I am not suited to write any kind of biography of the man. What I do know is that I am very lucky to have known him these past few years.
I knew him, I say. How I knew him was through emails and posts on flickr and ipernity. That counts, as any of us here can attest. From exchanged emails with him I came to know a man of heart, generosity, humor and smarts.
John had a career as an illustrator. He was a modest man, and might not have mentioned until he'd known you for a while that he was friend and correspondent of many huge names in the field. He had a soft spot for those great 7Up billboards, posters and promo items, and advertising illustration from the Age of Aquarius in general. He loved the Push Pin Studio artists, and John Alcorn was a special favorite. This is not a definitive list by any means. He loved Wacky Packages art. He loved any interesting creative.
It was after growing concerned about not hearing from him for a few weeks and checking around that I learned John had passed away. It was on November 8, just 5 days after his last posts here. I don't know his family or local friends, so I don't know what happened. I want to know what happened, and I don't want to, if you know what I mean. I just hope the way he went was as gentle and kind to him as John, our own MewDeep6, must have been to everyone he met in life.
Rest in peace, John. We miss you.
Smiley Derleth club has replied to beverleyI didn't really know John personally, but I certainly knew about him as MewDeep6 here on Ipernity and as MewDeep when he was over on Flickr. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he used to have a number of interesting Ipernity groups that I belonged to at one time.
He will definitely be missed.
By the way, his original groups, FABULOUS FIFTIES, SWINGING SIXTIES, '60s & '70s ILLUSTRATION, SUPER SEVENTIES, and ELECTRIC EIGHTIES are still around ipernity.
Smiley Derleth club has replied to ֎ — Nicolas Mertens clubSmiley Derleth club has replied to arts enthusiastRIP, John.
Smiley Derleth club has replied to slgwv clubMay he R I P.
Very true about having online friends, most never meet, I have met many of those I befriended on Skype way back in 1994, several have been here, I have visited many on numerous occassions, the majority being from Japan and Thailand.
Smiley Derleth club has replied to Stormlizard clubAnd I commend you for having met and visited with some of your online friends. When something happens to someone we know from online, there is added regret if we never got to meet them face to face.
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