Brigitte ✨️'s favorite articles

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  • IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2025

    ima team
    Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2025 will take place on Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, 5 pm Paris (16:00 UTC). Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only requi…

  • Promotional Pamphlet

    ipernity logo
    The world’s largest community run online photo and art club Independant and commercial free Member owned and run Come and see .... “we respect the freedom of art” Who are we? • Photographers • Artists • Creators • From all over the world – over 100 countries “ipernity has been my home for more than 10 years. Here are human relationships that move beyond the anonymity of the virtual world” “A lively community of photo amateurs and artists” Exchange and organiz…

  • Newsflash 2020-10-24

    Update Explore/Keywords
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The 'ipernity advertising' group , in which we bundle all advertising activities for ipernity, now has 77 members. We are pleased about the lively participation. 2) In this group, a small active subgroup YouTube has now formed, producing short videos to improve our presence on YouTube. Here are the latest produ…

  • Da ist sie ...

    DARF ICH VORSTELLEN ? Da ist meine kleine Lilli , sie wirkt auf Fotos größer als sie tatsächlich ist . Sie ist eine ganz zarte und schüchterne kleine "Spitzmaus"(Schulterhöhe höchstens 50 cm).   Wir haben aufregende Tage hinter uns und wollten einfach mal *HALLO* sagen. Sie hat ihre große Reise ganz tapfer gemeistert. Nun gewinnt sie stündlich an Vertrauen und macht es uns wirklich leicht…

  • Oster-Gedanken ☆

    "Für mich ist das Leben eines Lamms nicht weniger wertvoll als das Leben eines Menschen. Und ich würde niemals um des menschlichen Körpers willen einem Lamm das Leben nehmen wollen. Je hilfloser ein Lebewesen ist, desto grösser ist sein Anspruch auf menschlichen Schutz vor menschlicher Grausamkeit." ღ Mahatma Gandhi

  • The Tribe of Many Paws ~ Update 8th May 2018

    Nerys , Celt & Saxon ~ May 2018
    I have trying to get around to writing this for over a month ! The puppies grow in size and hyper energy ! They had their last set of injections on the 23rd March and then weighed at 16 weeks Celt ... 24.1lbs and Saxon ... 32.6 lbs Now ... I would guess they are ... Celt 36-38 lbs and Saxon 46-48 lbs !! I will know accurately on the 5th June when they next go to the Vet for neutering and they can be weighed. They are little devils ! They never stop . The…

  • Please help to make ipernity more popular

    five stars
    [EN] As a small community, ipernity does not have a budget for commercial advertising, but at least has the chance to be presented positively on Google and other relevant websites. You can help to increase the relevance there by rating ipernity with 5 stars and writing a few nice words about it. Thank you very much! Your ima team You can choose from (please click on):…

  • 2017-04-26 ima Agreement

    == EN == Hi everyone, I've received today the final proposal from the IMA.... I replied I was ok to accept. Papers will be signed / sent tomorrow... I'm very affected by some of the comments I've seen on the last post,.. I've been doing my best and worked hard to let ipernity survive... I don't see many person who would have worked as much as I did, without any other interest to keep the service online. Kind Regards Christophe. == FR == Bonjour tout le monde, J'ai recu…

  • A glimmer of hope ☆☆☆

    Please look here .. 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... I have just bought a new Pro ! (((•‿•)))

  • 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The ipernity team presents to you all our very best wishes for the new year! Since the announcement of ipernity’s shutdown, we received many proposals and messages of support either from users and businesses. With the help of several community members, especially Claus-Peter , Paul ( autofantasia ), Eric Desjours , and, William Sutherland , the idea that ipernity could be managed by the community has made its way and seems to be the most realistic solution.…

  • Neue Webseite,

    oder besser gesagt, nur ein wenig umgebaut. Klick hier !

  • de - Alles hat zwei Seiten - eo en fr es it nl cn jap rus

    Renkonto - Ipernity - Treffen
    Diesen Artikel veröffentlichte ich bei Ipernity am 28. 09.2012 eo - en - fr - es - it - nl - cn - jap - rus Alles hat zwei Seiten Ein schöner Morgen - ein klarer blauer Himmel - - fast windstill - Dieser schöne Morgen lädt ein zu einem Spaziergang in den nahegelegenen Rosengarten. 1…

  • Wir alle sind Eins ☆ღ☆

    Du und ich, ob Mensch oder Tier ... wir alle sind Eins ☆ღ☆ Wir haben Gefühle, spüren Schmerz, Trauer , Freude, Angst und wollen in Würde leben und geliebt werden ♥ You and me, whether human or animal ... we are all one ☆ ღ ☆ We have feelings, feel pain, sorrow, joy, fear and want to live and love in dignity ♥

  • Levi ♥

    Levi ♥
    Zuhause gesucht ... !!! * Levi ♥,der knuddelige Bär mit dem traurigen Blick wünscht sich ein Zuhause . Zur Zeit lebt er in einem Privatshelter in Barlad/ Rumänien. Wer möchte diesen lieben Boy adoptieren ? Ansprechpartner ist der Verein "Seelen für Seelchen " in Deutschland ! Gerne stelle auch ich den Kontakt her ! Vielen Dank ♥ ------------------------------

  • Bye, bye mein lieber Bob ❤

    Mach es gut mein lieber Dickie ☆ Ein bunter Bilderreigen aus seinem langen Leben ! Ich werde Dich nie vergessen , mein lieber Freund ❤

  • Tuesday news / Nouvelles du mardi

    Cappuccino caldo e Brioche
    [EN] Hello all, here is some fresh morning news: - we are still working on scripts that will enable to import Flickr Albums. They will probably be available on Wednesday or Thursday. - we are working with Jeffrey Friedl , well known guru from Lightroom users to create an export plug in to ipernity:) - the ipernity application for Android should see the light of day by the end of July. We are also going to develop an application for Windows phone. - we are fixing numerous bugs every…

  • Welcome, Flickr friends!

    Dear Flickr friends, Many of you have recently decided to sign-up to ipernity. We'd like to thank you for choosing us to host and share your photos in their maximum quality. Concerning the need to transfer your photos onto ipernity. We offer scripts that enable you to import your photos from your Flickr account to your ipernity account. Scripts will be improved within the next few days. Please go to this page for further information . This page is also accessible from the uplo…

  • [EN] Free accounts and downloading

    Hello all! For financial reasons and to limit certain abuses we were compelled to reserve to members of the ipernity Club only the possibility to download and offer to download their content. This new policy has been in effect since April 9th 2013 without being able to inform in advance users with free accounts. We sincerely apologize for this. For users who have free accounts created before these new policies we have established the possibility to download their content if they…

  • Vielen Dank an alle Besucher dieser Seite, ..

    .. dass ihr euch Zeit genommen und meine Fotos betrachtet habt. Sollte euch das eine oder andere gefallen, wuerde ich mich ueber einen Kommentar freuen, ebenso aber auch ueber Kritik und ggf. Verbesserungsvorschlaege. Und wenn ein Foto gefaellt, man aber nichts dazu schreiben mag, dann gibt es ja die Moeglichkeit ein "Sternchen" zu vergeben. Ich wuensche mir (natuerlich) Kommentare mit direktem Bezug zu meinen Fotos, sollten sich diese aber beschraenken auf z.B. "Admired in: ....", "Congrats…

35 articles in total