Fred Fouarge's favorite articles
2022-10-07 Club News
Photo contribution from 2022 World Photography Day Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day. Our event on August 19, 2022 was a joyous success. Over 50 members participated. With photographs from Austria to Australia, from Poland to Peru - over 12 countries are represented - truly a World event!! Contributions can be viewed in the group World Photography Day . If you have interest in how the event will be run next year, please add to the discussion in the g…
2022-04-22 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Happy Earth Day ! Please take a moment today to honor the earth and to wish for peace. Perhaps today is a good day to take a photo of the natural world…
2021-12-03 Club News
New Club Members - most recent
Manuel Wesser ← publicly active Allen Smith Horst Kostka ← publicly active Wolfgang Werel ← publicly active Min Li DBZ67 ← publicly active Reto Previtali ← publicly active Herr Schmidt ← publicly active Christiane ← publicly active Roland Röseler ← publicly active Klaus Fenzl ← publicly active Sylvie Wittmann ← publicly active Stefan Lattermann ← publicly active Susan Miller-king ← publicly active Roland Clark ←…
2021-05-21 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We regret the interruption in operations last weekend. However, we are very pleased that our IT service partner Qwellcode GmbH (Salzkotten, Germany) provid…
Équipe IMA - Titulaires de mandat et tâches
▶️ English Version ▶️ Deutsche Version Le bureau exécutif de l'Association des Membres d'Ipernity (IMA) est composé de cinq titulaires de mandat selon les statuts. Ces titulaires de mandat sont élus pour un mandat de deux ans. L'élection est effectuée lors de l'Assemblée générale d'Ipernity (IGA) à la majorité simple des membres présents. Chaque membre du conseil d'administration doit s'identifier auprès des autres membres du conseil d'administration en indiquant son nom et son ad…
Terms of Membership (as of January 19, 2021)
⏩ previous version (for comparison) Terms of Membership 1. Name and address of the association The contracting party is the Ipernity Members Association (IMA), a non-commercial association under French law with its headquarters at 16 rue Marie Gausson, 94350 Villiers-sur-Marne, France, registered at the Sous-préfecture de Nogent-sur-Marne, 4 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny Cedex, 94735 Nogent-sur-Marne, France, under no. W942006250. 2. Membership By paying the chosen…
2021-01-01 Bonne année !
⏩ English version ⏩ Deutsche Version Chers membres et amis d'ipernity, Une année turbulente se termine. Dans la vie quotidienne, nous avons été confrontés à des incidents qui n'étaient même pas vaguement imaginables au début de l'année. Et en ce qui concerne notre site web, nous avons également rencontré des défis très critiques. Au printemps, nous avons été frappés par une interruption de la connexion à PayPal. La cause en était que notre site web utilisait un logiciel o…
2021-01-01 Happy New Year!
⏩ Deutsche Version ⏩ Version française Dear members and friends of ipernity, A turbulent year ends. In everyday life, we were confronted with incidents that were not even vaguely imaginable at the start of the year. And with regard to our website we also encountered some very critical challenges. In spring, we were struck by an interruption in the connection to PayPal. The cause was that our website was using outdated software that PayPal no longer accepted. In summer, a se…
2021-01-01 Frohes Neues Jahr!
⏩ Version française ⏩ English version Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity, ein turbulentes Jahr geht zu Ende. Im Alltag wurden wir mit Ereignissen konfrontiert, die am Jahresbeginn nicht ansatzweise vorstellbar waren. Und im Hinblick auf unsere Webseite begegneten uns ebenfalls einige kritische Herausforderungen. Im Frühjahr wurden wir von einer Unterbrechung der Verbindung zu PayPal überrascht. Die Ursache war, dass unsere Webseite veraltete Software verwendete,…
Newsflash 2020-10-24
Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The 'ipernity advertising' group , in which we bundle all advertising activities for ipernity, now has 77 members. We are pleased about the lively participation. 2) In this group, a small active subgroup YouTube has now formed, producing short videos to improve our presence on YouTube. Here are the latest produ…
2019-06-28 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Lately there has been a proliferation of copyrighted third party content presented as own creation. Please be reminded, the Terms of Service prohibit the use of content that violates copyright protections. To protect the best interests of our website and photographers, IMA reserves the right to delete content found to be in violation of copyright laws with or without prior notice. To avoid this inconvenience or embarrassment we strongly rec…
2019-04-26 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We had to shut down parts of the Google map service at short notice, because the costs have increased dramatically. (Google charged EUR 655 more for March than we budgeted for.) We are now working hard to see whether ipernity can be adapted to cheaper alternatives (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.). For the time being,only geo-coordinates will be displayed instead of plain text locations in the location information of the images.…
2019-02-28 Aide à renouveler ipernity !
Cher utilisateur gratuits du site Web ipernity ! Le site Web ipernity que vous utilisez actuellement a été développé entre 2009 et 2013. Son concept et sa technologie ont donc 10 ans. Après 2013, il a connu une évolution organique et comprend maintenant plus de 21 000 fichiers html en réseau. Sa fiabilité opérationnelle a sensiblement diminué. Les adaptations pour le maintenir à l'état de l'art deviennent de plus en plus difficiles et coûteuses. Il est donc devenu inévitable de le reprogra…
2019-02-28 Helft ipernity zu erneuern!
Sehr geehrte ipernity-Nutzerin, Sehr geehrter ipernity-Nutzer, Die ipernity-Webseite, die Sie derzeit nutzen, wurde zwischen 2009 und 2013 entwickelt. Konzeption und Technologie sind inzwischen zehn Jahre alt. Nach 2013 ist die Webseite organisch weiter gewachsen. Sie besteht inzwischen aus mehr als 21.000 vernetzten html-Dateien. Die Betriebssicherheit nimmt zusehends ab. Die notwendigen Anpassungen an den Stand der Technik werden immer schwieriger und teurer. Es ist deshalb unausweichli…
2018-06-08 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Meanwhile, SSL encryption has been extended to all ipernity login pages. Your registration and log-in processes are completely secure now. 2) Like other websites with login, ipernity offers the option "Stay connected". Under certain circumstances, however, this can be a safety gap. We therefore recommend that you always log out at the end of a session. This is especially necessary for a shared or public computer. 3) The previous logout pa…
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