Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) We had to shut down parts of the Google map service at short notice, because the costs have increased dramatically. (Google charged EUR 655 more for March than we budgeted for.) We are now working hard to see whether ipernity can be adapted to cheaper alternatives (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.). For the time being,only geo-coordinates will be displayed instead of plain text locations in the location information of the images.
2) At the general meeting at the end of March (IGA2019) there was no candidacy for the position of treasurer (CFO). The ima team has therefore decided to appoint the Vice President Dr. Bernhard Westrup to act as acting CFO until the next election. The separation of the function of Chairman Eric Desjours from that of Treasurer required by French law is thus respected.
3) The ima team has also decided to expand the advisory council. It appoints Tobias Bauer, who had already advised the ima team on SSL encryption in 2018. Tobias is an IT specialist who works professionally in the area of IT security. Furthermore, the ima team appoints Dr. Guido Werner, graduate mathematician, who was recently very committed to updating the FAQ. Thirdly, the ima team appoints Isabel Queiroz Marcellot as an additional woman to the advisory council. Isabel speaks several languages, has knowledge of the Iberian culture and will support us in this respect.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Nous avons dû désactiver temporairement certaines fonctionnalités du service Google Maps car leur coût a considérablement augmenté récemment (Google a facturé 655 EUR de plus que prévu au budget pour le mois de mars). Nous sommes en train d'étudier comment adapter ipernity à des alternatives moins coûteuses (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.). La géolocalisation de photos est cependant toujours possible (via la fonction "Localiser"). Pour le moment les coordonnées géographiques sont toujours affichées à la place des lieux, en texte brut, à l'emplacement des informations de localisation des photos.
2) Lors de l'assemblée générale de fin mars (IGA2019), aucune candidature n'a été proposée pour le poste de trésorier (CFO). L'équipe ima a donc décidé de nommer le vice-président, Dr. Bernhard Westrup, au poste de directeur financier suppléant jusqu'aux prochaines élections. La séparation des fonctions de président Eric Dejours et de trésorier requise par la loi française est donc respectée.
3) L'équipe ima a également décidé d'élargir le conseil consultatif. Il nomme Tobias Bauer, qui avait déjà conseillé l'équipe sur le cryptage SSL en 2018. Tobias est spécialiste des systèmes d'information et en particulier de la sécurité informatique. En outre, l’équipe ima a nommé Dr. Guido Werner, mathématicien diplômé, qui fut récemment très impliqué dans la mise à jour de la FAQ. Enfin l’équipe nomme Isabel Queiroz Marcellot, représentante féminine supplémentaire dans le conseil consultatif. Isabel parle plusieurs langues, a une connaissance de la culture ibérique et nous soutiendra à cet égard.
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Wir mussten Teile des Google-Kartendienstes kurzfristig außer Betrieb nehmen, weil die Kosten dafür dramatisch gestiegen sind. (Für März hat Google EUR 655 mehr berechnet, als budgetiert war.) Wir prüfen nun mit Hochdruck, ob ipernity auf kostengünstigere Alternativen (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.) umgestellt werden kann. Vorläufig werden bei den Ortsangaben der Bilder anstelle von Klartextpositionen nur noch Geokoordinaten angezeigt.
2) Zur Mitgliederversammlung Ende März (IGA2019) gab es keine Kandidatur für die Funktion des Schatzmeisters (CFO). Das ima-Team hat deshalb beschlossen, den Vize-Präsidenten Dr. Bernhard Westrup bis zur nächsten Wahl mit der kommissarischen Wahrnehmung dieser Funktion zu beauftragen. Damit ist der nach französischem Recht erforderlichen Trennung der Funktion des Vorsitzenden Eric Desjours von der des Schatzmeisters Genüge getan.
3) Das ima-Team hat außerdem beschlossen, den Beirat zu erweitern. Es beruft Tobias Bauer, der das ima-Team schon 2018 im Hinblick auf die SSL-Verschlüsselung beraten hatte. Tobias befasst sich als IT-Spezialist beruflich mit IT-Sicherheit . Des Weiteren beruft das ima-Team Dr. Guido Werner, Dipl-Mathematiker, der sich zuletzt sehr für die Aktualisierung des FAQ engagiert hatte. Drittens beruft das ima-Team Isabel Queiroz Marcellot als weitere Frau in den Beirat. Isabel spricht mehrere Sprachen, kennt die iberischen Kultur und wird uns in dieser Hinsicht unterstützen.
Euer ima-Team
2019-05-03 Newsflash
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) The display of shooting positions has meanwhile…
03 May 2019
2019-04-19 Newsflash
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) In order to make the payment procedure simpler,…
19 Apr 2019
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thank you for your work on our behalf.
i think the geo co-ordinates thing isn't an essential thing anyway, in a world where everything is so visible I question the need for map like positioning of where a photo was taken. it may be fun for some, but in principle I don't like it or care for it.......the photo tells the story...and people can work it out for themselves from the image or description.....i do not see what the map location details add to the story........imho.
thanks for the updates
Eric Desjours club has replied to Graham Hughes clubit depends on the motivations for a photo and its sharing. As far as I am concerned, and I share this with a number of my contacts, photography is as much an aesthetic work as an introductory presentation to a particular place, monument or landscape, and the invitation to go there when possible. In this case, precise geolocation is important, you understand that.
Perhaps my experience as a former member of Panoramio is influencing my vision of this thing? ;-)
Whether it is subsidiary, or even meaningless for purely aesthetic or perfectly described pictures is understandable too.
We will find one and even several low-cost solutions that already exists, thanks to free software. The function will reappear as soon as possible.
Thanks for your opinion.
Bergfex club has replied to Graham Hughes clubfor artistic works I fully agree with you. Also with regard to eroticphotography, portraits, blossoms, or macros. But the situation is different with documentary, landscape, nature, sports or street photography. And also with animal photography it can be very informative where a picture was taken.
As a community with different kinds of users we have to cover most diverse interests and also orient ourselves to the competitors. Without geo-localization, ipernity will soon be dead as a as a doornail.
Xata club has replied to Bergfex clubPano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ club has replied to Xata clubRechne ich richtig? : ca 24$ pro zahlendem Nutzer mehr.
HaarFager club has replied to Graham Hughes clubHaarFager club has replied to Bergfex clubHeidiho club has replied to Eric Desjours clubHeidiho club has replied to Bergfex clubAmelia club has replied to Graham Hughes clubFor me It does depend on the photograph. Purely artistic photos need not be mapped, but with landscape or seascape photos I always like to know where the photograph was taken,as I might have the opportunity to visit that place.
Many thanks to the team for working so hard to keep us updated..
Pano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ club has replied to HaarFager clubI often need some additional material to tell simple stories: for instance ( Inside view >where .....and soon ....
֎ — Nicolas Mertens club has replied to Eric Desjours club֎ — Nicolas Mertens club has replied to Bergfex clubdiedje has replied to Graham Hughes clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to HaarFager clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Eric Desjours clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex club©UdoSm club has replied to Bergfex clubKalli club has replied to Eric Desjours clubKalli club has replied to Bergfex clubKalli club has replied to HaarFager clubKalli club has replied to Amelia clubKalli club has replied to ©UdoSm clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Graham Hughes clubI really want to know where a photo was taken. I like to watch photos of bridges, buildings, etc. and without the info where it was taken I can´t search for more photos from that particular bridge, can´t find anything about it in WikiPedia (if the name was not given).
Also I can´t search for photos taken around me to give me some inspiration where to go next to take my own photo of a particular item which I saw at other peoples photos....
Xata club has replied to Pano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ clubwww.ipernity.com/doc/guidowerner/48504596
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Bergfex clubTanja - Loughcrew club has replied to Bergfex clubTanja - Loughcrew club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubUr@nos club has replied to Bergfex clubUr@nos club has replied to HaarFager clubBei Deinen vielen Bildern von Fotoapparaten ist eine GPS-Funktion ja wirklich nicht notwendig.
HaarFager club has replied to Ur@nos club"With your many pictures of cameras, a GPS function is really not necessary."
With my ability to leave a description of any picture I upload, I also do not need a GPS function. And neither should anyone else. Have people forgotten how to communicate with others if they want to know more about an image posted they are interested in? Questions such as: "Where was that picture taken at?" That's all it would take for me. If anyone wants more information about any image I upload to Ipernity, all they have to do is ask. Is this too complex for other users to figure out?
HaarFager club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubBergfex club has replied to HaarFager clubMy answer as a 67 years old grandfather: No, we haven't forgotten. But the wind of change doesn't stop in front of ipernity's door. If we dont' follow people in their changing habits, we don't have to bother to save ipernity anymore. Already, more than 50% of all ipernity accesses are done via mobile devices. (People like me working on two displays in parallel are the exception.) In addition, there are more and more people who - inspired by a photo - want to use Google Earth to view a landscape from a bird's eye view. Should they seriously send you an e-mail and wait until you have answered? Not really!
Xata club has replied to Bergfex clubHappySnapper has replied to HaarFager clubbonsai59 club has replied to Eric Desjours clubGuido Werner club has replied to HaarFager clubyou write: "With my ability to leave a description of any picture I upload, I also do not need a GPS function. And neither should anyone else."
To be honest: I had to calm down a little bit before I answer, notably because of the second sentence. :-)
People have all kinds of different interests, habits and opinions. And I think that is completely o.k. Some people like to collect stamps. I don't tell them that they shouldn't although I am not interested in that hobby at all. Some people like synchronized swimming. What a strange sport. :-) But I don't tell them that they shouldn't be interested in it.
What I am talking about here is respect towards other people and their way to live. If you don't want to use geo tagging or if you want to ask other photo owners about the place of a photo instead of looking at the geoposition on your computer that is perfectly o.k. and I encourage you to go your way.
I sometimes like to browse photos with geopositions and to explore the surroundings of the place the photo was taken on a digital map. I like to attach additional information like titles, descriptions and - guess what - geopositions to my photos for documentary purposes. So we have obviously quite different interests and there is no problem with that at all.
There are certainly features of ipernity I have never used. But if there is a significant number of users who like it and if it isn't forced on me I won't say that the feature shall be removed because I don't need it. Others might need it and I respect that.
Or in one simple sentence: I am asking you for a little bit tolerance towards those weird people like me who are interested in geotagging. :-) And who knows, perhaps I will ask you one day about more information about one of your photos.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Guido Werner clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to Guido Werner clubKarin G. club has replied to Guido Werner clubRainer Blankermann has replied to Guido Werner clubBerny club has replied to Guido Werner clubIk ben een regelmatige gebruiker van de geo-coördinatie mode en vind dit een goede toevoeging.
ik hoop dan ook,dat er snel een goedkopere oplossing gevonden word.
Fred Fouarge club has replied to Frans Schols clubThank you for the great work the team does
Heidiho club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubKalli club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubRainer Blankermann has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubEric Desjours club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubAnd I am not surprised by this Google trick of absurdly increasing costs. That's what monopolists do when people are finally hooked to their products under the motto: make them dependent and raise the prices.
HaarFager club has replied to SyborghValfal has replied to SyborghI couldn't agree more!
* ઇଓ * club has replied to HappySnapperGoogle’s actions are unconscionable.
2+3. sehr gut !
For us younger ones geo-tagging is a matter of course, even if I don't use it for every picture. Please keep this function!
HaarFager club has replied to Salientia clubBerny club has replied to HaarFager clubwill we be getting an update on the fundraising - maybe at the beginning of May?
i am in the middle of messaging all my 'acquaintances' that are not club members, letting them know about our funding needs and linking them to the page explaining the offer to 'free' users. i've received one reply so far - hopefully it will generate at least a bit of support.
Team club has replied to raingirl clubThank you!
We will report about another interim result of the fundraising next Friday. (We would like to wait for the incoming payments of this weekend.)
Bernhard (ima)
raingirl club has replied to Team clubOnce I see the updated fundraising report next Friday, I am going to post a request for donations to ipernity on my photo facebook page. My own mini attempt at crowdfunding! Ha!
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Berny clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubKalli club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Berny clubWhy we aren´t using the default map layer from www.openstreetmap.org instead of the used one?
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubBerny club has replied to Bergfex clubXata club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex clubJohn.
Wie auch. Man kann die Käufer ja kaum um nachträgliche Kostenbeteiligung bitten.
In der Abo-Version Lightroom CC funktioniert natüröich alles einwandfrei:
Lightroom 6 und das deaktivierte Kartenmodul - Hintergründe.
Team club has replied to DannyB93 clubIm Übrigen: Eine gute Alternative für alle Lightroom-User ist, Bilder schon in Lightroom mit GPS-Koordinaten zu versehen. Die Hybrid-Karte, die ADOBE verwendet, stammt zwar auch von Google, ist aber genauer als die bisher für ipernity lizensierte Karte. Vor allem ist sie bereits von den Lightroom-Nutzern bezahlt. Auf diese Weise spart ihr Kosten bei ipernity.
Bernhard (ima)
Nachtrag: Bilder vor dem Hochladen mit den GPS-Koordinaten versehen! Nachträgliche Änderungen der Metadaten (via "Bild ersetzen") werden von ipernity nicht mehr berücksichtigt.
DannyB93 club has replied to Team clubBergfex club has replied to DannyB93 clubIch einfach der Überzeugung, dass Bilder von uns noch ( fast ) immer Atentisch sind. Und so möchte ich auch Wissen wo diese Entsatanden.
Nicht wie bei den alten Ferienprospekten, Hotel, nur 60 meter vom Strand, nur sieht man die dazwischenliegende Autobahn nicht!!
Hier in den Galerien von uns allen finde ich so die Obiekte, und kann mir eine Meinung zu solchen Bildern machen.
Och ohne Falsche Webeprospekte!!
Gracias al equipo de IMA por buscar alternativas al "Mordisco" de google.
Gracias también a las personas que habéis dejado aquí vuestras opiniones sobre el tema.
Para todos, un saludo bien cordial desde Barcelona, Karp Panta.
Personally, the less I have to do with Alphabet/Google the better.
Some photos require the context of location so a low cost replacement would be a good thing.
A thought. Is it possible members to use a location share link to their favourite map site rather than build in a new location function?
Team club has replied to GrahamH clubBernhard (ima)
Don Barrett (aka DBs… has replied to GrahamH clubAND, thanks for the update.
GrahamH club has replied to Team clubI have examples of both in this photo. www.ipernity.com/doc/grahamh/24119479 In this case the railway station has been completely removed so there is no physical feature to find. It is a little to the left of where Honey Lane turns North away from the railway.
Ich gehe gerne wandern, benutzt dabei aber gezielt Routen alter, eigentlich nicht mehr existierender Handels- und Verbindungswege. Das besondere, man stößt dabei mitunter auf längst vergessene Landmarken, Gedenksteine, Wegkreuze und auch sonstige Hinterlassenschaften.
Klar könnte ich schreiben, in Kleinkleckersdorf zwischen Kirche und Bäcker die Treppe nehmen, oben auf dem Absatz zwischen den Ginsterbüschen, dort wo sie nicht ganz zusammengewachsen sind, hindurch, dann zwei Kilometer lang dem Wildpfad folgen (Vorsicht vor den Wildschweinen) bis man an eine Felsformation kommt, diese hochklettern, und ober rechts an den Rhododendronbüschen vorbei, dann gerade durch den Wald bis zur Gruppe mit den umgestürzten Bäumen, an dieser nach links wenden bis man auf einen Bach stößt, in Flussrichtung stößt man bald auf einen Baum den man zum überqueren benutzen kann, von dort kann man eine Lichtung sehen, auf diese zulaufen, auf der Lichtung leicht nach rechts wenden, hinter einigen sehr stämmigen Eichen findet man dann das Basaltkreuz, auf dem steht, dass hier 1657 jemand erschlagen wurde.
Zum einen ist es viel einfacher, einfach auf einer Karte den Ort einzutragen, damit jemand, den das wirklich interessiert, die Örtlichkeit finden kann, zum anderen mag ich es nicht, jedem detailliert den Weg zu beschreiben weil ich nicht sicher sein kann, dass alle bei solchen Querfeldeinnummer genauso viel Sorgfalt gegenüber der Natur walten lassen wie ich.
Ich benutze übrigens Openrouteservice Maps weil da wirklich jeder noch so kleine Trampelpfad eingetragen ist, oft auch welche, die schon lange wieder zugewuchert sind. Funktioniert aber nur vernünftig für Deutschland.
Kalli club has replied to Martin Korth clubIch positioniere meine Bilder in der Regel mit dem komfortablen Geosetter (Freeware) in Kombination mit der gpx-Datei aus meinem Garmin-GPS. Die Position ist dann in der Exif -Datei des Bildes beim Hochladen bereits enthalten.
Lässt sich vielleicht der Geosetter in IP integrieren, damit jede(r) ihn nutzen kann?
Bergfex club has replied to Ruesterstaude clubWir konzentrieren uns deshalb zur Zeit auf OpenStreetMap. Die Genauigkeit ist besser als bei Google, und viel besser als bei Flickr. Schau dir mal den aktuellen Vergleich an:
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubWas trying to find a location for one of my pics in Argentina, which was not possible with Google, but very easy and accurate with OSM.
Ruesterstaude club has replied to Bergfex clubSign-in to write a comment.