Articles by My Awake Gottica (m.a.g)

  • for ALL those who refuse to listen to their hearts

    - 6 years ago
    for ALL those who refuse to listen to their hearts whispers Ursine Vulpine ft. Annaca - Wicked Game (Lyrics)


    - 06 Dec 2018 - 3 comments
    If I Adore You If I adore You out of fear of Hell, Burn me in Hell! If I adore you out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise. But if I adore You for Yourself alone, Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty. Rabia al-Basri Niyaz- "Shir Ali Mardan (Song of a warrior)" The Fourth Light Immersive Multimedia Experience

  • Osho- Never ask love from people who didn't find love in their life ...

    - 27 Oct 2018
    Osho – ‘Sa nu cerem iubire unor oameni care nu au cunoscut iubirea in viata lor”. “ Iubirea care provine din minte este intotdeauna iubireura. Nu este vorba de doua cuvinte, este vorba intotdeauna de un singur cuvant ‘iubireura”; intre ele nu exista nicio linie despartitoare. Iubirea provenita din inima este intotdeauna dincolo de dualitate ... Fiecare cauta acea iubire care depaseste dragostea si ura; din nefericire, cautarea are loc prin intermediul mintii, si acest fapt genereaza neferi…

  • about Friendship ...

    - 19 Oct 2018 - 8 comments
    Sufletul prieteniei este egalitatea. Aristotel Datorita prieteniei, cei absenti sunt de fata, cei care traiesc in lipsuri cunosc belsugul si, ceea ce e mai greu de spus, mortii traiesc. Cicero Prietenia unui om destept este mai de pret decat pritenia tuturor prostilor. Democrit. Prietenia inseamna un suflet in doua trupuri. Aristotel Prietenia sfarseste acolo unde incepe neincrederea. Seneca Prietenia nu se intemeiaza pe complimentari reci…

  • Loneliness vs Aloneness

    - 11 Sep 2018 - 3 comments
    “Man ordinarily lives in loneliness. To avoid loneliness, he creates all kinds of relationships, friendships, organizations, political parties, religions and what not. But the basic thing is that he is very much afraid of being lonely. Loneliness is a black hole, a darkness, a frightening negative state almost like death … as if you are being swallowed by death itself. To avoid it, you run out and fall into anybody, just to hold somebody’s hand, to feel that you are not lonely… Nothing hurts mor…

  • Almost forgotten ....

    - 03 Mar 2018 - 2 comments
    I've just found somewhere in an old diary, an almost forgotten paper with some notes, written in 2014 .... "Sometimes it's hard to express ourselves but we have to try, at least ... however, beyond all words there is something More !!! Ode 314 Those who don't feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don't drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper, those who don't want to change, let them sleep. This Love is beyond the study of theology,…

  • wild nature

    - 17 Feb 2018
    "I never saw a wild thing, sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen, dead from a bough, without ever having felt sorry for itself." D. H. Lawrence

  • Insan Insan

    - 01 Oct 2017
    Universe is working .... Dervish in Progress - Dans Gösterisi | Ziya Azazi | TEDxİKÜ İnsan insan derler idi İnsan nedir şimdi bildim Can can deyü söylerlerdi Ben can nedir şimdi bildim Kendüzünde buldu bulan Bulmadı taşrada kalan Canların kalbinde olan İnanç nedir şimdi bildim Muhyiddin eder hâk kadir Görünür her şeyde hâzir Ayan nedir pinhan nedir Nişan nedir şimdi bildim.

  • Equinox & Romanticism

    - 23 Sep 2017 - 2 comments
    Feeling a strange classic romantic dreamy mood !!!!!!!!!!! May be the sun ... after few days of terrible storms, can do this to me ??? or it is simply the magic of the equinox ??? however, it's a wonderful sunny Authumn day and I am daydreaming, smilling to sky and listening beautiful music !!! Dmitri Shostakovich - The Second Waltz Superb !!!!!

  • A Thousand Strings ...

    - 19 Sep 2017
    Mamak Khadem "A Thousand Strings" هزار تار I find myself restless with thoughts of you night and day Head over heels for you night and day The heart and soul of lovers is summoned I surrender my heart and soul night and day Once your love awakened the music in me At times I play the harp, at times I play the taar, night and day You are the heart of my night and my day As I dwell in a state of longing night and day. در هوایت بی‌قرارم روز و شب…

  • 2017, Be in Light & in Love !!!

    - 31 Jan 2017 - 10 comments
    Happy New Year !!!! NINA SIMONE-FEELING GOOD 1ian - purpose for the new year: "It is never too late to be who you could be." George Eliot 2ian - washed Mura, the most wonderful puppy and started doing research on how to 'do the impossible': "There are seven things that destroy us: wealth lacking work, pleasure lacking consciousness, knowledge lacking character, religion lacking sacrifice, politics lacking principles, science lacking humanity, and b…

  • Madness !!!! Falling in Love

    - 27 Jan 2017
    Last night I discovered Estas Tonne. I was thunderstruck !!!! I didn't hear something more thrilling than his music. I hardly can select between one melody and another. Felling like falling in love of something imposible to describe. Estas Tonne - Internal Flight The Song of the Butterfly [Hungary 2014] HD Enjoy !!!!!!! and Fall in Love !!!! of Life, of Music, of Art :)

  • Medicine Chant !!! Super !!!

    - 26 Jan 2017
    I've just found this amazing song and want to share it with you: Anilah - Medicine Chant Goshhhh .... am feeling so crazy watching those landscapes while I'm rising my vibration on this sound. I do think one of the greatest pleasures we can have in a life is to travel around the world and discover new places, cultures, traditions, people .... finally, what is life if we live it in a single place ? indeed, traveling can be a true medicine for hungry soul…

  • Psyche - My wish for 2017

    - 30 Dec 2016 - 5 comments
    My wish for 2017 - Get your courage to find & recognize your true (soul)mate and Be happy !!! Lamb - One Psyche was one of three sisters, princesses in a Grecian kingdom. All three were beautiful, but Psyche was the most beautiful. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, heard about Psyche and her sisters and was jealous of all the attention people paid to Psyche. So she summoned her son, Eros, and told him to put a spell on Psyche. Always obed…

  • My Christmas little gift ...

    - 25 Dec 2016
    My little gift is only a song ... I love it especially because it's from Transilvania (Ardeal - my dad's land) and its symbolism Narcisa Suciu - Colindul cerbului well ... maybe it's place for a bit more Narcisa Suciu - Deschide usa crestine daca ar fi sa te colind, asa ti-as canta ... daca ....

  • Honey Bee ...

    - 23 Dec 2016 - 2 comments
    Pictand contra cronometru si gandindu-ma la tine .... Madrugada - Honey Bee

  • KMT Self-Defense ! COOL !!!

    - 19 Dec 2016 - 2 comments
    Certainly, I was born to be a woman, but my interests don't have to keep me weak. The awakening does not exclude the awareness of our environment and the ignorance of self-defense. I found extremely interesting & helpful knowing / learning At Least a Few self-defense tactics ..... It seems these KMT classes are so elegantly taught that could use them during a tango ..... M…

  • An awake heart is like a sky that pours light. ― Hāfez

    - 19 Dec 2016
    I've found these wonderful thoughts, I had to sign in again to share them with you, whoever enjoys my interests.... "Keep your heart open and awake. Even after heartbreak, it is full of endless light. Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."— C.G. Jung "You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather." — Pema Chödrön "My heart is awake with love for all, including myself. Faith is a knowledge wi…

100 articles in total