Sufletul prieteniei este egalitatea. Aristotel

Datorita prieteniei, cei absenti sunt de fata, cei care traiesc in lipsuri cunosc belsugul si, ceea ce e mai greu de spus, mortii traiesc. Cicero

Prietenia unui om destept este mai de pret decat pritenia tuturor prostilor. Democrit.

Prietenia inseamna un suflet in doua trupuri. Aristotel

Prietenia sfarseste acolo unde incepe neincrederea. Seneca

Prietenia nu se intemeiaza pe complimentari reciproce si pe complementari reciproce.
Serban Cioculescu

Un prieten adevarat te prinde de mana si iti atinge inima. Gabriel Jose Marcia Marquez

Prietenia este intotdeauna o responsabilitate placuta, niciodata o oportunitate. Kahlil Gibran

Prietenia dubleaza bucuriile si injumatateste necazurile F.Bacon

Prietenia este la fel ca banii, este usor de facut si greu de pastrat. …. ??

Bogatia o apreciezi dupa ce ai primit-o, Prietenia o apreciezi dupa ce ai pierdut-o. … ??

Prietenul sigur il cunosti din imprejurari nesigure. ….??

Adevaratul prieten este omul care stie totul despe tine si totusi te vrea ca prieten …..??

O comoara nu este intotdeauna un prieten, dar un prieten este cea mai pretioasa comoara.

The soul of friendship is equality. Aristotle

Because of friendship, the absent are present, those who live in deprivation know abundance and, what is harder to say, the dead live. Cicero

The friendship of one wise man is better than all friendly stupid. Democritus.

Friendship is one soul in two bodies. Aristotle

Friendship ends where it begins distrust. Seneca

Friendship is not based on mutual compliments but on mutual complementary. Serban Cioculescu

A true friend takes your hand and touches your heart. Jose Gabriel Marcia Marquez

Friendship is always a pleasant responsibility, never an opportunity. Kahlil Gibran

Friendship doubles joy and halves troubles. F. Bacon

Friendship is like money, is easy to do and hard to store. ... ??

We appreciate wealth after we received it, but we appreciate friendship after we lost it. ...??

You know a certain friend in uncertain circumstances. ....??

The true friend is the man who knows all about you and yet he wants you as a friend ... ??

A treasure is not always a friend, but a friend is the most precious treasure ....??