Osho – ‘Sa nu cerem iubire unor oameni care nu au cunoscut iubirea in viata lor”.
“ Iubirea care provine din minte este intotdeauna iubireura.
Nu este vorba de doua cuvinte, este vorba intotdeauna de un singur cuvant ‘iubireura”; intre ele nu exista nicio linie despartitoare.
Iubirea provenita din inima este intotdeauna dincolo de dualitate ...
Fiecare cauta acea iubire care depaseste dragostea si ura; din nefericire, cautarea are loc prin intermediul mintii, si acest fapt genereaza nefericire.
Toti indragostitii simt esecul, deceptia, tradarea, insa niciunul nu considera ca este vina lui.
In realitate, instrumentul pe care il folositi, nu este potrivit. Este ca si cum cineva si-ar folosi ochii pentru a asculta muzica, realizand faptul ca astfel nu poate percepe niciun sunet. Insa ochii nu sunt facuti pentru a asculta, dupa cum urechile nu sunt facute pentru a vedea.
Mintea este foarte practica, ea este un mecanism care calculeaza; mintea nu are nimic comun cu iubirea.
Iubirea va fi un haos, ea va rasturna totul. Inima nu are nimic in comun cu lucrurile practice, ea este mereu in vacanta. Ea poate iubi si poate face acest lucru fara sa transforme iubirea in ura; ea nu este otravita de ura.
Fiecare este in cautarea iubirii, insa instrumentul prin intermediul caruia se realizeaza cautarea nu este potrivit; si de aici – esecul.
Iar oamenii, vazand ca iubirea aduce cu ea numai ura, se inchid in ei insisi zicand: ‘Iubirea este o prostie”. Construiesc un zid solid pentru a se apara impotriva iubirii.
Facand insa acest lucru, vor fi lipsiti de cele mai mari bucurii ale vietii, vor fi lipsiti de tot ceea ce este cu adevarat valoros ...
Pentru a intelge iubirea, trebuie in primul rand sa fiti plini de iubire; numai atunci puteti intelge iubirea.
Milioane de oameni sufera: ei doresc sa fie iubiti, insa nu stiu cum sa iubeasca. Iar iubirea nu poate exista ca un monolog; ea este dialog, un dialog armonios.
Nu ceea ce vi se ofera va multumeste; satisfactia provine din ceea ce daruiti voi celorlalti. Nu puteti fi multumiti daca sunteti cersetori, multumirea apare cand sunteti regi. Iar atunci cand daruiti iubire, deveniti regi.
Puteti darui atat de mult – este inepuizabil, cu cat daruiti mai mult, cu atat iubirea voastra devine mai rafinata, mai subtila, mai nuantata.
In momentul in care intelegeti ce este iubirea, in clipa in care experimentati iubirea, deveniti iubirea insasi. Atunci in voi nu mai exista dorinta de a fi iubit, nici dorinta de a iubi; faptul de a iubi va deveni felul vostru firesc de a fi, la fel de natural ca respiratia.
Nu puteti face nimic altceva; veti fi – pur si simplu – plini de iubire. Daca iubirea voastra nu va gasi ecou, nu va simititi raniti. Motivul este urmatorul: numai persoana care a devenit ea insasi iubirea, poate iubi.
Puteti darui numai ceea ce aveti deja. Nu are rost sa cerem iubire unor oameni care nu au cunoscut iubirea in viata lor, care nu au ajuns la sursa intregii lor fiintari, care nu au cunoscut iubirea in toata stralucirea ei ...
Cum ar putea sa iubeasca acesti oameni ? Ei pot numai sa simuleze ...S-ar putea chiar sa creada in mod sincer ca va iubesc.
Insa, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, isi vor da seama ca este numai o pretentie, ca este numai un rol, o ipocirize. Poate ca nu intentioneaza sa va insele, insa ce pot face aceste persoane? Voi cereti sa fiti iubiti, iar celalalt cere, la randul lui, acelasi lucru.
Fiecare presupune ca partenerul este obligat sa iubeasca si fiecare, incearca din rasputeri sa o faca. Aceasta este o idee fixa, insa o asemenea idee nu duce la nimic.
Ambii parteneri vor descoperi acest lucru si fiecare ii va reprosa celuilalt, plangandu-se ca ceva nu este in regula. De la bun inceput ei sunt de fapt niste cersetori, iar mintile lor, intinse catre celalalt pentru a cere, pentru a ruga, raman goale.
Cei care au gasit sursa iubirii in ei insisi nu mai au nevoie sa fiti iubiti; in ciuda acestui fapt, vor fi iubiti. Ei vor iubi pur si simplu, pentru ca au prea multa iubire, la fel ca un nor care vrea sa isi reverse ploaia, ca o floare care vrea sa isi imprasite parfumul, fara dorinta de a primi ceva in schimb.
Rasplata iubirii este iubirea insasi si nu faptul de a primi iubire.
Aceasta este unul din misterele vietii: atunci cand o persoana este rasplatita prin insasi iubirea pe care o raspandeste in jurul ei, multi oameni o vor iubi; fiind in contact cu ea, toate aceste fiinte vor gasi treptat-treptat sursa iubirii in interiorul lor. Ele pot fi in legatura cu o fiinta care isi raspandeste iubirea fara sa ceara nimic in schimb. Si cu cat aceasta fiinta raspandeste si raspandeste mai mult iubirea sa, cu atat iubirea este mai mare.
......dupa OSHO
"The love that comes from the mind is always lovehate .
It is not two words, it is always one word ' lovehate " between them, there is no dividing line .
Love that comes from the heart is always beyond duality ...
Each seeks the love that overcomes the love and hate , unfortunately, the searching takes place through the mind, and this generates unhappiness.
All lovers feel failure, deception, betrayal, but none believes it is his fault.
In reality, the tool you use is not suitable. It's like someone would use the eyes while listen to music, finding the fact that can not perceive the sound. But the eyes are not made to listen, as the ears are not made to see.
The mind is very practical, it is a mechanism that calculates, the mind has nothing to do with love.
Love will be chaos, it would overturn/change everything. Heart has nothing to do practical things, she is always on vacation. She can love and can do so without turning love into hate, it is not poisoned by hate.
Everyone is in search of love, but the means by which the search is done is not right, and here - failure .
And people saw that love brings only hatred, Closes in themselves saying "Love is stupid." Build a solid wall to defend against love.
But doing so will be deprived of the greatest joys of life, will be deprived of all that is really valuable ...
To understand love, you firstly must be filled with love, only then can comprehension love.
Millions of people suffer: they want to be loved, but do not know how to love. And love can not exist as a monologue; it is dialogue, harmonious dialogue.
Not what you are offering pleased you, the satisfaction comes from what you give to others. You cannot be happy if you are beggar, satisfaction is when you are king. And when you give love, you have become Kings (Queens).
You can give so much - is inexhaustible, the more you give the more your love becomes more refined, more subtle, more nuanced.
When you understand what love is, in the moment you experience love, you become love itself. Then, it will not exist the desire to be loved, no desire to be loved; just love/loving will become your natural way of being, as natural as breathing.
You can not do anything else, you will be - simply - full of love. If your love will not find an echo, don’t feel hurt. The reason is: only the person, who has become love itself, can love.
You can only give what you have already. It is useless to ask love from people who have not known love in their life, which did not reach the source of their entire being, who did not find love in all its glory ...
How could love these people? They can only simulate ... they might even believe sincerely that they love you.
But, sooner or later, they will realize that it is only a pretense, it is only a role, an hypocrisy. Maybe, they do not intend to cheat, but what can these people do? You ask/ expect to be loved, and the other requires, in turn, same thing.
Each assumes that the partner is required to love and each tries hard to do it. This is a fixed idea, but such an idea does not lead to anything.
Both partners will discover this and will blame each other, complaining that something is not right. From the very beginning they are actually beggars and their minds stretched by the other to ask, to pray, but remain empty.
Those who have found the source of love in themselves do not need to be loved, in spite of this, they will be loved. They will love simply because they have too much love, like a cloud that wants to pour rain, like a flower that wants to spread perfume, no desire to get something in return.
The reward of love is love itself and not the fact of receiving love.
The reward of love is love itself and not the fact of receiving love.
This is one of life's mysteries: when a person is rewarded by the love itself that they spreads around them, many people will love, being in contact with it, all these beings will gradually find the source of love within them. They may be in connection with a being that spreads love without asking anything in return. And the more this being spreads and spreads love, the more this love is bigger.
......after Osho
Thank you for your time !
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Osho- Never ask love from people who didn't find love in their life ...
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