Pearl's groups

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Public groups in which Pearl is an administrator
3 groups in total

  • Roof


    Created 13 years ago

    Pictures of roofs of all kinds - of individual buildings or of a sea of houses, of churches, palaces or wooden huts; and everything on them - chimneys, aerials, skylights, windows, birds' nests, lettering, plants, weather vanes etc.. But pictures of people on roofs - chimney sweeps, roofers, etc. - can also find their place here. - can also find their place here

  • Publicité par affiches - Poster advertising - Poster advertising

    Publicité par affiches - Poster advertising - Poster advertising

    Created 3 years ago

    A group of photographs in which a communication medium of variable format that allows a message to be disseminated and attracts the attention of a particular audience is clearly identifiable. An advertising poster can consist of: verbal messages: text, slogan; visual messages: representation of a brand, product, etc. It can be a paper poster, a sign, wrought iron, illuminated....

  • Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki

    Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki

    Created 17 years ago

    This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group : ( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.

Public groups in which Pearl is a moderator
1 group in total

  • Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage

    Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage

    Created 17 years ago

    Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.

Public groups in which Pearl is a member
205 groups in total

  • Ipernity Homepage - Approved Images

    Ipernity Homepage - Approved Images

    Created 7 years ago

    This group contains the finished and officially approved images for the ipernity homepage. Approved-Stamp: Free download from:

  • Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

    Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

    Created 7 years ago

    The ipernity homepage is an advertising medium. Its purpose is to arouse the curiosity of visitors from the web so that they click deeper into our website. With other words: It is not another showcase for the most beautiful images from our community. Image contributions should rather be suited to fulfil the above stated purpose in the best possible way. Please read the group rules for more information.

  • Amphibians (frogs, toads, newts, salamanders)

    Amphibians (frogs, toads, newts, salamanders)

    Created 15 years ago

    Photos of all types of amphibians. The animal should be the main subject of the photo, Other photos will be removed without comment!



    Created 8 years ago

    The goal of the group is to reflect things, houses, trees, boats, animals and any other object that can be reflected in the water of the sea, river, lake, puddle and fountain. Only photos with a clearly visible reflected object are allowed. Photos that only show light and shadow and are of poor technical and artistic quality are not allowed. Photos that are considered ineligible will be deleted. Only three photos per day are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • The Sky is the Limit / Background (please no landscapes, see discussions)

    The Sky is the Limit / Background (please no landscapes, see discussions)

    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures of anything with the Sky as background (not just landscapes where the sky is at top- it must be the background of the whole photo. NO Pictures with Focus on the sky! Biggest part of the photo have to be in the Sky . NO typical photos of Clouds or Sunsets or the Moon! The main thing needs to be an Object, Plant, Animal or Human, not the sky itself....! To say it in a few words: You have to take your photo upwards, not horizontal to get the sky as the background - with an ob…

  • Clouds and water - Wolken und Wasser

    Clouds and water - Wolken und Wasser

    Created 8 years ago

    Wolken zusammen mit Wasser ist das zentrale Thema der Gruppe. Alles andere ist schmückendes Beiwerk.



    Created 10 years ago

    Bridges and more bridges, but only bridges of any kind. Footbridges, pontoons, road bridges, maritime bridges, railway bridges, viaducts, aqueducts, drawbridges, etc... bridges!...

  • Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.

    Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.

    Created 11 years ago

    “The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. » The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).

  • La nature

    La nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici. Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour. Type de médias accepté : photos.

  • BLEUNIENN / FLOWER in memoriam to Mahuphidos **********

    BLEUNIENN / FLOWER in memoriam to Mahuphidos **********

    Created 12 years ago

    Preferably a single flower, not a bouquet or landscape! thank you all♫



    Created 10 years ago

    All colourful images are welcome, the brighter and more vibrant, the better. No washed out poorly focused images please. You may use the text comment code if you wish. :) Please feel free to post your images in the group's queue for admin approval. Thank you!

  • Lézards, Reptiles, Amphibiens, Escargots, etc ... !

    Lézards, Reptiles, Amphibiens, Escargots, etc ... !

    Created 8 years ago

    Comme le titre le suggère, les belles photos de lézards, serpents, grenouilles, salamandres, tritons, crapauds, crocodiles et même princes charmants ... sont les bienvenues dans ce groupe ! Pas plus de 3 par jour et je me réserve le droit de supprimer celles qui ne sont pas dans le thème ( ou vraiment moches ! ). N'hésitez pas à proposer dans le groupe les photos que vous croisez durant vos visites! Amitiés aux futurs inscrits et contributeurs !

  • Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes

    Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes

    Created 4 months ago

    All kinds of original or shared book boxes and nothing else



    Created 15 years ago


  • Saturday Self-Challenge

    Saturday Self-Challenge

    Created 8 years ago

    A new photographic challenge is set every Saturday. You have until the following Saturday to take a NEW photo that corresponds to the given weekly theme. All uploaded photos must be taken during this one week or they will be removed from the pool. The new posts should be uploaded to the group from Saturday until Sunday at the latest (the respective time zone applies). - One post per week per member. - Only pictures taken with a camera. - No images generated with artificial intelligence. - Al…

  • CWP - Contest Without Prize

    CWP - Contest Without Prize

    Created 10 years ago

    The idea is to add one or two "photos" each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best. Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme. "Not an Ai group this is purely a photographic contest" "No nudity as this is a family friendly group" Thank you all for participating.