This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group :
( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.
A group of photographs in which a communication medium of variable format that allows a message to be disseminated and attracts the attention of a particular audience is clearly identifiable. An advertising poster can consist of: verbal messages: text, slogan; visual messages: representation of a brand, product, etc. It can be a paper poster, a sign, wrought iron, illuminated....
Pictures of roofs of all kinds - of individual buildings or of a sea of houses, of churches, palaces or wooden huts; and everything on them - chimneys, aerials, skylights, windows, birds' nests, lettering, plants, weather vanes etc.. But pictures of people on roofs - chimney sweeps, roofers, etc. - can also find their place here. - can also find their place here
Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.
Paare , wie sie leben und sich geben ( NUR lebende Personen !!!)
Couples comment ils vivent et se présentent (Personnes vivantes UNIQUEMENT !!!)
Couples how they live and present themselves (ONLY living people !!!)
La carte de visite de la maison, les fenêtres et la porte ...
Tous les types de fenêtres, vitrines, portes
Anciens ou nouveaux, en couleurs ou en N / B
Die Visitenkarte des Hauses , Türen und Fenster
Schaufenster , Tore , Alt oder Neu , farbig oder S / W
Faire découvrir le travail et les lieux de travail de nos ancêtres !
Die Arbeit sowie die Arbeitsplätze unserer Vorfahren entdecken !
Discover the work and the workplaces of our forefathers!
Scopri il lavoro e botteghe artigiane dei nostri antenati!
Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart...
Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ...
Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ...
Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
Alle Arten von Fotos, die mit einem passendem Titel , Erklärungen zum Thema sowie evtl. mit einem Link dokumentiert sind...
Toutes sortes de photos qui sont documentés avec un titre approprié, des explications sur le sujet , éventuellement avec un lien ...
All kinds of photos that are even documented with a suitable title, and explanations about , eventually with a link ...
Tutti i tipi di foto che sono anche documentati con un titolo adatto e affermazioni r…</a
Toutes sortes de fêtes , en famille ,en groupe , kermesses et autres...
Alle Arten von Festen ,in der Familie , Gemeinschaftsfeiern , Kirmes , o.ä...
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone.
All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Spring
4 Seasons - Summer
4 Seasons - Winter
A collection of all the images of spring. If you feel like spring with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Summer
4 Seasons - Fall
4 Seasons - Winter
the winners of pic #1 - "a smell of spring"
Varin for "Incredibly Nice"
iljuschin for "Angies Relaxing"
shilluette for "Frühlingsbotin"
Esther Demaría for "Come Up"
A collection of all the images of summer. If you feel like summer with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Spring
4 Seasons - Fall
4 Seasons - Winter
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Pearl is an administrator3 groups in total
Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki
This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group : ( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.
Publicité par affiches - Poster advertising - Poster advertising
A group of photographs in which a communication medium of variable format that allows a message to be disseminated and attracts the attention of a particular audience is clearly identifiable. An advertising poster can consist of: verbal messages: text, slogan; visual messages: representation of a brand, product, etc. It can be a paper poster, a sign, wrought iron, illuminated....
Pictures of roofs of all kinds - of individual buildings or of a sea of houses, of churches, palaces or wooden huts; and everything on them - chimneys, aerials, skylights, windows, birds' nests, lettering, plants, weather vanes etc.. But pictures of people on roofs - chimney sweeps, roofers, etc. - can also find their place here. - can also find their place here
Public groups in which Pearl is a moderator1 group in total
Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage
Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.
Public groups in which Pearl is a member205 groups in total
Footwear.... CLOSE-UPS ONLY
" 1:1 - Couples de partout dans le monde - Couples from around the world - Paare aus der ganzen Welt " Paare , wie sie leben und sich geben ( NUR lebende Personen !!!) Couples comment ils vivent et se présentent (Personnes vivantes UNIQUEMENT !!!) Couples how they live and present themselves (ONLY living people !!!)
" 1:1 Fenêtres , vitrines & portes - Fenster & Türen " La carte de visite de la maison, les fenêtres et la porte ... Tous les types de fenêtres, vitrines, portes Anciens ou nouveaux, en couleurs ou en N / B Die Visitenkarte des Hauses , Türen und Fenster Schaufenster , Tore , Alt oder Neu , farbig oder S / W
" ARTISANAT et professions d'antan // HANDWERKSKUNST und Berufe aus vergangener Zeit " Faire découvrir le travail et les lieux de travail de nos ancêtres ! Die Arbeit sowie die Arbeitsplätze unserer Vorfahren entdecken ! Discover the work and the workplaces of our forefathers! Scopri il lavoro e botteghe artigiane dei nostri antenati!
" Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..." Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart... Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ... Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ... Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
" EXIF - Excellente Informative Fotografie " Alle Arten von Fotos, die mit einem passendem Titel , Erklärungen zum Thema sowie evtl. mit einem Link dokumentiert sind... Toutes sortes de photos qui sont documentés avec un titre approprié, des explications sur le sujet , éventuellement avec un lien ... All kinds of photos that are even documented with a suitable title, and explanations about , eventually with a link ... Tutti i tipi di foto che sono anche documentati con un titolo adatto e affermazioni r…
" Fêtes - Celebrations - Celebrazione - Feste "</a Toutes sortes de fêtes , en famille ,en groupe , kermesses et autres... Alle Arten von Festen ,in der Familie , Gemeinschaftsfeiern , Kirmes , o.ä...
"Street Art & Graffiti"-"Straßenkunst & Graffitis"-"Art de la rue et graffitis"-"Arte callejero y graffiti"-""Arte di strada e graffiti"
Only pictures of street art and graffiti from all over the world
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone. All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
Photos in 16 / 9 format No panoramic or other photos All subjects are accepted, except the shocking ones
2 - Two of all
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ all photos / images that let us think about a "pair"
3 / Tri / Drei / Three / Drie / Trois / Tres / Tre / Sán
Photos with 3 persons or 3 objects are to be shown.
4 / Quatre / Four / Vier / Quattro / Cuatro / τέσσερις
4 / Quatre / Four / Vier / Quattro / Cuatro / τέσσερις
4 Seasons - Fall
A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Winter
4 Seasons - Spring
A collection of all the images of spring. If you feel like spring with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter the winners of pic #1 - "a smell of spring" Varin for "Incredibly Nice" iljuschin for "Angies Relaxing" shilluette for "Frühlingsbotin" Esther Demaría for "Come Up"
4 Seasons - Summer
A collection of all the images of summer. If you feel like summer with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter