Kama 56's groups

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Public groups in which Kama 56 is an administrator
18 groups in total

Public groups in which Kama 56 is a moderator
1 group in total



    Created 8 years ago

    Je vous propose de rassembler dans ce groupe la musique que vous aimez, en particulier la musique du monde afin de créer un lieu de partage, de tolérance et d'ouverture. Soyez les bienvenus parmi nous. Les images accompagnées de musique et les vidéos seront acceptées.

Public groups in which Kama 56 is a member
105 groups in total

  • It's my choice !!!

    It's my choice !!!

    Created 7 years ago

    Bringing together photos that FOR ME are BEAUTIFUL photos! But what is a BEAUTIFUL photo? In my humble opinion, the first thing it needs is an enthusiastic "WOW"! It has to be CLEAN, WELL EXPOSED, WELL FRAMED, ... and then it's a matter of taste! I invite you to join this group and submit your best photos ... but especially those you come across when visiting Ipernity! Best regards! But in the end, it's up to me! I hope this group will be attractive because of the quality of its content ... and…