Group: Surprenez-moi! Surprise me!

behind the ladder

not only the leaves fall in autumn...

joined together

sweet happiness

little spanish souvenirs

elegant as a snake

Best of ?

Ein Hundertwasser

one & off device from an old radiator

big spider

a trendy dog

Schachtofenbatterie Rüdersdorf

hanging plastic

Wie cool ist das denn!

American Sampigny 2023 dernier show traveling.720.…

Buon Natale! Frohe Weihnachten! Joyeux Noël! Feliz…

tempi passati

winter cabbage

cup & forks ;-))

explosion of energy

renardeau (3)

rust and net

Bulbous bow from the ship "MV Godewind" in Husum/N…

a great choice