Franck Chabal's groups

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Public groups in which Franck Chabal is an administrator
6 groups in total

  • Un point jaune

    Un point jaune

    Created 6 weeks ago

    The photo should feature a yellow dot, but this should never be the main colour.

  • Red Flowers

    Red Flowers

    Created 15 years ago

    Αll Red Flowers...only Flowers and only Red

  • All animals of creation -PHOTOS and DIGITAL ART

    All animals of creation -PHOTOS and DIGITAL ART

    Created 11 years ago

    Thank you to everyone who joins my Animals of Creation - Photos and Digital Art group. I hope you will read this message. After correction, I will accept all your work whose subject includes animals, people with animals, etc.. My selection criteria will be : Whole photos and/or compositions, or a good foreground, macros, etc. Framing, image quality and sharpness must be impeccable. I will delete anything that is not suitable. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Rouille


    Created 14 years ago

    Rust changes the appearance of things as a result of the passage of time or the elements, making them more or less beautiful depending on how you look at them. But it doesn't make you insensitive, as these photos show ......



    Created 5 years ago

    Une vitrine de superbes images macro et gros plan de la NATURE UNIQUEMENT! PAS D'ANIMAUX ! Seuls les insectes sont acceptés♫ Aucun résumé, AUCUNE photo monochrome / noir et blanc. Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer toutes photos qui ne seraient pas conformes ! merci ♫ A showcase of stunning macro and close-up images of nature ONLY! No summary, NO monochrome / black and white photos. We reserve the right to delete any photos that do not comply! thank you ♫ Un escaparate de magníficas imá…

  • Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes

    Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes

    Created 4 months ago

    All kinds of original or shared book boxes and nothing else

Public groups in which Franck Chabal is a moderator
16 groups in total