Share pictures of your doodles and doodle-like or doodle-inspired art.
Drawings made using "zentangle" ideas are welcome (and are also welcome in The Art of Zen group - .)
pets, insects, wild animals, animals in zoos... watercolor, ink, pencil... drawings and paintings from life or your imagination, no photos please. A story behind is much appreciated.
This is a group for artist and THEIR works...
so, please, post images which are created by YOURSELF,
not images of artworks of somebody els.
no racism, no violence, no porn, no copyright infringement, please! !
thanks a lot, have fun ! ;-)
NIcht akzeptiert werden: pornographische Darstellung, Gewalt,
rassistische Äußerungen sowie Abbildungen von Skulpturen.
Wir bitten, dieses zu berücksichtigen!
This group was created for exceptional images of art.
La "Arta Desegno" estas difinita kiel la tipo de desegno kiu uzas por esprimi ideojn kaj filozofia aŭ estetikaj, sentoj kaj emocioj. La artisto kiam desegnas aĵojn, altiras ilin emocie kiel li vidas ilin laŭ sia propra formo de percepti la realon de sia medio. Tiu tipo de desegno postulas specialajn kapablojn kiel personaj kaj naturaj.
El dibujo artístico se define como el tipo de dibujo que se utiliza para expresar ideas filosóficas o estéticas, sentimientos y emociones. El artista cuando dibuj…
Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno
Three- dimensional artistic compositions, putting together found objects. Static or with movement.
"The important thing to know about assemblage is that it is "supposed" to be three-dimensional and different from collage, which is "supposed" to be two-dimensional (though both are similarly eclectic in nature and composition). But! There's a really fine, nearly invisible line between between a bulky, multi-layered collage and an assemblage done in extremely shallow relief. In this large, grey ar…
UNIQUEMENT des créations artistiques en peinture, sculptures, abstracts et photos d'art. Pas d'images choquantes ou photos sans originalité.
Je me réserve le choix des œuvres soumises -et de supprimer tout ce qui ne serait pas en rapport avec le thème. PAS DE FRACTALE, MONTAGES etc...
We allow any kind of art, crafts, photo-manipulations, doll photos,doll making, good photo scenes/subjects, and historical images in an inclusive mix of creativities. Keep it tasteful, creative, and no porn. Anyone who wants to describe how you create your stuff GO ahead, inform us all please. Group Administration will be within Ipernity's current publically available rules on no spam-links or other types of Group back-links on poster's comments that may irritate them.
Creativities Group Rule…
Discuss and show art, drawings and paintings. Drawings in color and black and white, watercolor and oil, or what technique you might be using, whatever level you think you are on - you are welcome here to discuss art.
Ekster de tuta ordo, diferenta kaj nekutima aux ekstravaganca kaj ekstrovertita aux escepta; estas la precipa celo de tiu cxi grupo... Fuera de todo orden, diferente y no acostumbrado o extravagante y extrovertido, escepcional; es el principal propòsito de èste grupo...
For everybody who decided to emigrate from flickr, or elsewhere, and wants to find their old contacts back and for anybody else who wants to meet us. Feel free to join in the discussions. Note: this is a family friendly group, please bear that in mind when submitting content, so no pornography.
Keep ipernity spam free! This is a no-spam group. Please do not post contributions that have graphic group icons, awards or HTML links to groups. Do not post photos that have endless repetitive "…
To learn from each other. To learn of other countries, cultures, towns. villages. provinces, areas, etc. Share your area and world with us. Art, photography, music, videos, sports, history, food, dance and more is welcome. :-) Have fun learn and enjoy!
Public groups in which Jim O'Neil is an administrator6 groups in total
*Italo-Byzantine Vacuity
A space for photographic icons, iconographers and iconoclasts.
Share pictures of your doodles and doodle-like or doodle-inspired art. Drawings made using "zentangle" ideas are welcome (and are also welcome in The Art of Zen group - .)
Figurative and Nude Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture
Add images of your figurative and/or nude drawings, paintings, and sculpture. Various surfaces, mediums, and styles are welcome.
Ink and Watercolor
The title says it all -- add all your drawings done with watercolor and ink. Or ink and watercolor. No digital drawings please.
Drawing and painting the human form from life, not from photos.
Visual Journals
A place to display your art journal, travel journal or sketchbook pages. Everyone welcome
Public groups in which Jim O'Neil is a member33 groups in total
Animals in your Art
pets, insects, wild animals, animals in zoos... watercolor, ink, pencil... drawings and paintings from life or your imagination, no photos please. A story behind is much appreciated.
PLEASE, READ OUR RULES : This is a group for artist and THEIR works... so, please, post images which are created by YOURSELF, not images of artworks of somebody els. no racism, no violence, no porn, no copyright infringement, please! ! thanks a lot, have fun ! ;-) NIcht akzeptiert werden: pornographische Darstellung, Gewalt, rassistische Äußerungen sowie Abbildungen von Skulpturen. Wir bitten, dieses zu berücksichtigen! ENGLISH: This group was created for exceptional images of art. We…
Art [Not Photography]
If you've drawn it painted it designed it or whatever... if it's yours and it's art, post it here so we can all enjoy :D All art mediums welcome
ARTA DESEGNO...Dibujo artìstico...
La "Arta Desegno" estas difinita kiel la tipo de desegno kiu uzas por esprimi ideojn kaj filozofia aŭ estetikaj, sentoj kaj emocioj. La artisto kiam desegnas aĵojn, altiras ilin emocie kiel li vidas ilin laŭ sia propra formo de percepti la realon de sia medio. Tiu tipo de desegno postulas specialajn kapablojn kiel personaj kaj naturaj. El dibujo artístico se define como el tipo de dibujo que se utiliza para expresar ideas filosóficas o estéticas, sentimientos y emociones. El artista cuando dibuj…
Artistic Nudes
Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno
Three- dimensional artistic compositions, putting together found objects. Static or with movement. "The important thing to know about assemblage is that it is "supposed" to be three-dimensional and different from collage, which is "supposed" to be two-dimensional (though both are similarly eclectic in nature and composition). But! There's a really fine, nearly invisible line between between a bulky, multi-layered collage and an assemblage done in extremely shallow relief. In this large, grey ar…
UNIQUEMENT des créations artistiques en peinture, sculptures, abstracts et photos d'art. Pas d'images choquantes ou photos sans originalité. Je me réserve le choix des œuvres soumises -et de supprimer tout ce qui ne serait pas en rapport avec le thème. PAS DE FRACTALE, MONTAGES etc...
Cherchez la femme
Portraits of girls and women of all kinds are welcome. Art nudes are allowed but pornography and violence will be deleted.
Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's
We allow any kind of art, crafts, photo-manipulations, doll photos,doll making, good photo scenes/subjects, and historical images in an inclusive mix of creativities. Keep it tasteful, creative, and no porn. Anyone who wants to describe how you create your stuff GO ahead, inform us all please. Group Administration will be within Ipernity's current publically available rules on no spam-links or other types of Group back-links on poster's comments that may irritate them. Creativities Group Rule…
Drawings and paintings
Discuss and show art, drawings and paintings. Drawings in color and black and white, watercolor and oil, or what technique you might be using, whatever level you think you are on - you are welcome here to discuss art.
EKSTRAVAGANCA, EKSTRAVERTITA, ESCEPTA...Extravagante, extrovertido, escepcional...Elegant, extrovert, exceptional...
Ekster de tuta ordo, diferenta kaj nekutima aux ekstravaganca kaj ekstrovertita aux escepta; estas la precipa celo de tiu cxi grupo... Fuera de todo orden, diferente y no acostumbrado o extravagante y extrovertido, escepcional; es el principal propòsito de èste grupo...
Flickr Refugees
It has to be done.This is a group for anyone who is looking for an alternative to the new Flickr. Anything goes (except porn)
From (t)here to ipernity
For everybody who decided to emigrate from flickr, or elsewhere, and wants to find their old contacts back and for anybody else who wants to meet us. Feel free to join in the discussions. Note: this is a family friendly group, please bear that in mind when submitting content, so no pornography. Keep ipernity spam free! This is a no-spam group. Please do not post contributions that have graphic group icons, awards or HTML links to groups. Do not post photos that have endless repetitive "…
Global Culture Community
To learn from each other. To learn of other countries, cultures, towns. villages. provinces, areas, etc. Share your area and world with us. Art, photography, music, videos, sports, history, food, dance and more is welcome. :-) Have fun learn and enjoy!