Group: ARTA DESEGNO...Dibujo artìstico...

on top of the world

2016-08-05 En-attendant-le-soleil web

2015-11-27 VeloSolex 2 web

Across the slough

Floral Flamenco.


2015-01-08 Burg-Eltz web

2015-05-10 Toits-de-Paris-IV web

The model as immovible object

Portrait of the model as logs in a glade

The model as a model

An uncertain future

Beyond the willows

define now


1-24-16 doodle

2015-12-19 München-Theresienplatz web

2015-09-02 cokerie-vieille web

11-29-15 doodle

2015-08-10 Marseilles-Chez-FONFON web

2015-10-02 Dresden-Dom web


Her attention is elsewhere

Waiting for the 8:05