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Updated on: 09 Mar 2025.
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Red Neck Buddha Cones: - 12 months ago

Red Neck Buddha Cones: So! For many years I’ve been impressed with Zen Buddhism and zen koans (short, sharp, arguments illogically leading to enlightenment), so, so, so here are some of that pecker wood cracker, Bubba’s, Cones The Crud Cone We find Billy Bob watching then walking up to Bubba, who’d been sitting on the general store stoop listening to Weird Willy most of the morning. Billy Bob; “Bubba, what for you waste the mornin’s daylight listenin’ to that no account Weird…

  • 10-99

    - 27 Oct 2023
    Ten codes, police 10 codes are a common form of radio communication, passing along information or queries to other offices and the station. They useful due both the their brevity and limited knowledge of such by those they might not wish to follow their conversations. Common among those codes are; 10-4 meaning Affirmative, 10-10, Negative, 10-17, In Route. 10-99 is a code often used for special, specific situations by different police departments. Up here atop the world in Fairbanks, Alask…

  • vignettes

    - 26 Feb 2023
    Super short, short stories. Mosty exactly 50 words.

Japanese Manhole Covers, album created on 04 Jun 2013

When walking around, seeing the sights, sometimes it's worthwhile to look down.

About Jim O'Neil

Place of residence: North Pole, Alaska, United States

Member of the club since 2013 145 274 visits

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HelenaPF jyryk58 Fred Fouarge Eric Desjours Lebojo Marko Novosel Hans-Georg Kaiser Risa Profana Christina Sonnenschein SLANG Anáryawe Rein Nomm Hilke Kurzke Bernhard Hofbeck Tere79 Sa Ishida Kumiko


Latest comments - All (14)
dolores666 club
Thanks for the visit, Jim. Give my love to Alaska.
5 years ago.
Moderator club
Thanks Jim for the Fun reply to the ticket... it made me laugh a lot !!

Pam J (IMA Team )
6 years ago.
 Jim O'Neil
Jim O'Neil club
Thank you Martha!
7 years ago.
 Jim O'Neil
Jim O'Neil club
& quite a beautiful day, here on top of the world also, Christine!
7 years ago.
 Jim O'Neil
Jim O'Neil club
Good evening Christine!
7 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?