StoneRoad2013's groups

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Public groups in which StoneRoad2013 is an administrator
89 groups in total

  • Feathers Galore

    Feathers Galore

    Created 8 years ago

    Feathers Galore is for all images of birds of all sorts to show the beauty of their plumage. The group will provide inspiration to other photographers in their journey to capture that special image and artists to see the beauty in their plumage

  • Wild Flowers of the United Kingdom

    Wild Flowers of the United Kingdom

    Created 11 years ago

    To show the UK's wild flowers at their best. Not cultivated varieties please, just truly wild growing flowers. For example a flowering weed in your garden would be fine, because it's naturally occurring even in a place of cultivation. If you want to post something you can't identify, that's okay but try please to name your flower if at all possible, add tags as appropriate if you can be bothered.

  • Motorhomes, Truck Campers, Camper Trailers, Caravans, Camping Vans.

    Motorhomes, Truck Campers, Camper Trailers, Caravans, Camping Vans.

    Created 9 years ago

    Group is open to Motorthomes, Truck Campers and other vehicles that can be used for overnight camping trips, feel free to add converted busses, trailers also welcome!

  • Railway Logos, Signs, Symbols and Graffiti

    Railway Logos, Signs, Symbols and Graffiti

    Created 11 years ago

    Railway Logos, Signs, Symbols and Graffiti on trains / tubes / metro / freight ... old and new. Items in bad taste will be removed without warning

  • Just a monument please

    Just a monument please

    Created 9 years ago Monumente ,Gedenksteine...Im Besonderen soll ein Monument das Andenken an historisch bedeutende Personen oder Ereignisse in dauernder Weise erhalten. Monuments, memorial stones, memorial meal ...In particular, should a monument preserve the memory of historically significant persons or events in continuous manner. Monuments, les monuments commémoratifs...En particulier, un monument devrait conserver la mémoire des personnes ou des événements historiquement imp…

  • Photobombers


    Created 9 years ago

    Photobombers can be people, animals or birds. Just someone or thing that "interrupts" your photo as you go to take it. Wikiepedia describes photobombing as "the act of accidentally or purposely putting oneself into the view of a photograph, often in order to play a practical joke on the photographer or the subjects." We extend that descriptions to include the behaviour of birds and animals or just wander or fly into our photos.

  • Aardvark To Zyzzyva

    Aardvark To Zyzzyva

    Created 9 years ago

    Animals from A-Z

  • Vehicles of the '70s

    Vehicles of the '70s

    Created 9 years ago

    Share pictures of all cars, trucks and buses made from 1970 to 1979. Upload limit is five pictures a day.

  • Boats; Harbours and Moorings

    Boats; Harbours and Moorings

    Created 11 years ago

    viewing different types of boats and smaller vessels at rest all over the world

  • Memorials / Cofebion / Monumentoj

    Memorials / Cofebion / Monumentoj

    Created 11 years ago

    Memorials rather than gravestones*: stones, plaques, inscriptions, gardens... any period (NB 'monument' is ambiguous: for this group it means "an obelisk, statue, building, etc., erected in commemoration of a person or event or in celebration of something" RATHER THAN "a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance or interest." *note - Unless it has particular significance, eg famous individuals. / Cofebion yn hytrach na cherrig beddau: meini, placiau, arysgrifiadau... unr…

  • 9/11 ! the 20th anniversary was in 2021; back to Je Suis Charlie & beyond

    9/11 ! the 20th anniversary was in 2021; back to Je Suis Charlie & beyond

    Created 10 years ago

    To mark, with respect, the loss of innocent lives from terrorist actions, of any flavour. 4-6 Jan 2022 - Zamfara [Nigeria] massacres 9/11 - the loss of 3,000+ lives happened 20 years ago. What lessons can be learned from these tragedies and their aftermath ? During 2020-2021 there have been a number of terrorist attacks, mostly small scale, in European cities, eg London, Paris, Vienna. 4th August 2019 - USA - shootings at Dayton and El Paso 21st April 2019 - Easter Sunday - Sri Lanka - eigh…

  • Whatever the Weather

    Whatever the Weather

    Created 10 years ago

    Pictures depicting weather events, such as rain, snow, storm clouds etc. This is not a group for sunrise/sunset, nor is it a group for seasons. No black and white photos No people in the picture - this is for weather events only

  • Old, Rusty, & Corroded!

    Old, Rusty, & Corroded!

    Created 11 years ago

    Photographs of the old, rusty and corroded things around us daily. The abandoned, deserted, forgotten, broken. Things from our environment that have failed, left to corrode away, or rust because of neglect. Just "old" doesn't qualify here, though "old" can be a part of the photo's image. (i.e.; old houses, old wooden doors... no, that's not what we're looking for. A rusty old metal doorknob though, sure!) Just make sure the photo really conveys the "old, rusty & corroded" feeling. A long…

  • Sarcoptic Mange's B*****d Offspring

    Sarcoptic Mange's B*****d Offspring

    Created 10 years ago

    Almost anything goes here - but images must be family friendly (no nudity) originally = The Mange's bastard offspring spawned by flickr's beta devil.



    Created 10 years ago

    Recent photography for this group please within 50 years or so. A Group for anything that floats, wrecked, sunken, beached, aground, Naval, Cargo, Passenger. Please do NOT flood the group with B&W or multiple similar images. Please Note : On moderation, as unsuitable images were posted recently. Currently removing other unsuitable images previously posted

  • Heraldica - Heraldry

    Heraldica - Heraldry

    Created 16 years ago

    Wappe, Coat of Arms,...

  • British Wildlife

    British Wildlife

    Created 11 years ago

    A showcase of British Wildlife. Only top quality photographs please. The photographs are moderated, and you may add up to 5 per day. Quality is the key. As a minimum, photographs have to be in focus, and correctly exposed. Normally, the wildlife has to be prominent in the frame. If possible, please add details of the location your wildlife was photographed, as it helps organisations that monitor our wildlife. I understand that some people consider flowers as wildlife, but this group is for Briti…

  • The First World War

    The First World War

    Created 11 years ago

    Anything related to WW1 (The Great War / La Grande Guerre)

  • UK & Ireland Landscapes

    UK & Ireland Landscapes

    Created 11 years ago

    Please join and post your images of the Mountains, Hills, Valleys and Levels of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Images may include Cities, Towns and Villages, and the Coastline. April 2014 - E2A - Detailed close ups of features may be accepted at the discretion of the administrator. Commenting is not compulsory, but would be much appreciated.

  • Flowers of the Wild

    Flowers of the Wild

    Created 11 years ago

    To show wild flowers in their habitat. Flowers of the Meadow, flowers of the hedgerow, and those invasive flowers in the garden we call weeds! Please do not post cultivated flowers - there are other groups for those. I will accept "naturalised" or "escapee" examples. All parts of the flower may be shown, individually or combined. The shoot, leaves, buds flowers and seeds. You need to show enough of the whole flower for it to be identified, in other words - no macros of just the stamens .....…