Group: Wild Flowers of the United Kingdom

SoS[25] - single crocus

Yellow Angels

Snowdrops in the woodland at Chirk Castle

Spring Snowflakes

oaw[b&w] - bee on gorse

oaw[I] - hoverfly [Explored]

Golden Samphire

Dead Heads

Wild Carrot Seed Head

gdn[22] - bramble in close-up [Explored]

Cosmos (+PiP)

Bee on Purple Toadflax

Wild Carrot Seed Head (+PiP)

Fox and Cubs

A Trio of Daisies

Poppy flower, buds and seed heads

Yellow Rattle and Wild Orchid

Bluebells and Bracken

Bluebell Woods (+ 2 PiPs)


Hemp Agrimony

Ox-Eye Daisy