StoneRoad2013's groups

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Public groups in which StoneRoad2013 is a member
381 groups in total

  • Sea and Ocean

    Sea and Ocean

    Created 17 years ago

    Any photos of the sea or seaside, shoreline etc.

  • Old Cars Spotted Out & About ... No Shows or Rallies!

    Old Cars Spotted Out & About ... No Shows or Rallies!

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for car enthusiasts to post images of Old Cars Spotted Out & About as opposed to those seen at car shows, runs or rallies etc. Given how many different interpretations there are of what is and isn't a classic car, I'm using the phrase old cars and for the sake of this group defining it as anything built before the year 2000. So, come on folks let's see what you've spotted.

  • Cats in Odd Positions

    Cats in Odd Positions

    Created 11 years ago

    Please post pictures of cats posed in unusual positions.

  • Carved Graffiti

    Carved Graffiti

    Created 9 years ago

    Vandals from the past that have carved their name, initials, date, picture into a wall, rock, wood or some kind of surface. These carved graffiti are often probably the only legacy of the creators. The older the better. Please geotag your photo. A graffiti is always illegal, while n inscription is always legal. Please do not add "modern" graffiti, created after 1950.

  • A Single Flower

    A Single Flower

    Created 11 years ago

    Alone, by itself , does not have to be a macro, bugs in the picture are fine as long as the pictures is about a flower alone.

  • brown / marron

    brown / marron

    Created 16 years ago

    seulement les photos où le marron est la couleur dominante

  • H2O - Water

    H2O - Water

    Created 11 years ago

    Everything water. Post your amazing water photos, dew drops, collisions, seawater or freshwater, rainwater and tapwater. Be creative is all I ask. Oh yes, keep it tasteful please and enjoy the group.

  • 250+ visits

    250+ visits

    Created 16 years ago

    See also the sister group: 10+ visits 50+ visits 100+ visits 500+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits

  • Transportation


    Created 17 years ago

    If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here. Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another. The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation. If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted. Temporary moderated. Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…

  • The British Coast

    The British Coast

    Created 11 years ago

    Please add your images of anything to do with the British Coast whether it be structures, water, beach, seaside locations

  • War memorials

    War memorials

    Created 10 years ago

    War memorials all over the world.

  • How Rare! (Animals Only)

    How Rare! (Animals Only)

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for photos of rare, vulnerable, threatened, near-threatened, endangered or critically endangered animal species, both wild and domestic.

  • Red Dominates

    Red Dominates

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photo where the color 'red' is dominate. This doesn't necessarily mean it takes up most of the image but, rather, it is the color that grabs your attention first or maybe it is the color of your subject.

  • The English Lake District

    The English Lake District

    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures of the Lake District National Park in England. This is one of England's - if not the World's - most beautiful areas. Please join in and share your pictures of our Lakeland. Have fun & Welcome!

  • Model railways

    Model railways

    Created 10 years ago

    Pictures of any kind relating to model railways; must be your own work, though!.

  • Blue Dominates

    Blue Dominates

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photo where the color 'blue' is dominate. This doesn't necessarily mean it takes up most of the image but, rather, it is the color that grabs your attention first or maybe it is the color of your subject.

  • Phone Boxes And Post Boxes

    Phone Boxes And Post Boxes

    Created 11 years ago

    Photos of Telephone Boxes and Booths, and Post Boxes and Mail Boxes. Contributions from around the world are welcome. When your daily limit of photographs is reached you will not be able to add another until 24 hours after the earliest of the last 6 contributions.

  • " All about Kitsch "

    " All about Kitsch "

    Created 9 years ago Firlefanz, Kinkerlitzchen, Klimbim, Kram, Krempel, Krimskrams, Plunder, Ramsch, Schnickschnack, Schund, Tand, Flitter, Flitterkram, Mist, Zeug, Kitsch... Friperie, bibelots, Klimbim, Kram, désordre, désordre, ordures, ordure, bibelots, trash, bibelots, babioles, bibelots, de la merde, des trucs kitsch Frippery, trinkets, Klimbim, Kram, clutter, clutter, trash, junk, knick-knacks, trash, trinkets, baubles, trinkets, crap, stuff Kitsch Fronzoli, bigiotteria…

  • Trams - Straßenbahnen - Trolleys

    Trams - Straßenbahnen - Trolleys

    Created 17 years ago

    Trams - Trolleys - Straßenbahnen Please insert the name from the town to the photo. - Bitte den Namen der Stadt unter dem Foto mit angeben. Tags/Stichworte: Tram Trams Straßenbahn Strassenbahn Straßenbahnen Strassenbahnen Trolley Trolleys

  • Trash - Rubbish - Garbage (Literally)

    Trash - Rubbish - Garbage (Literally)

    Created 15 years ago

    Photos of anything considered trash found in nature; cans, bottles, boxes, paper, newspapers, food, etc