PopKulture's groups

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Public groups in which PopKulture is a member
3 groups in total

  • Cover of a Magazine

    Cover of a Magazine

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for sharing the front covers of vintage magazines. A straight-on scan of the entire cover is best, but a photo is fine if it is straight-on. Please do not submit altered images or your own cover creations. This group is intended to be a collection of interesting and beautiful magazine covers, especially those devoted to art, music, theater, and other areas of special interest. Duplicate covers will be removed. If possible, please add appropriate descriptions or keywords, includ…

  • Vintage Printed Ephemera

    Vintage Printed Ephemera

    Created 11 years ago

    A group for sharing images of vintage printed ephemera. Please submit only images that belong to you and that show vintage examples of ephemera, preferably ones that were printed or produced before 1970. "Ephemera" can refer to a wide range of things, but here's one definition that may be helpful: "Transient everyday items, usually printed and on paper, that are manufactured for a specific limited use, then often discarded" (from the Thesaurus for Graphic Materials by the Library of Congress)…

  • Vintage Paperbacks

    Vintage Paperbacks

    Created 11 years ago

    Cover art from the vintage era of paperbacks - 1939 to 1979