Group: Vintage Printed Ephemera

Littlefield and Hosmer, Dealers in Foreign and Dom…

S. W. Solenberger, Proprietor of the Guilford Herd…

E. Oettel, Philadelphia Reliable Fancy Bakery and…

W. H. Shoemaker, Sheet Music, Pianos, Organs, Harr…

Ice Cream Ticket, F. W. Fraley, August 19, 1916

Geo. W. Kissinger, Flour, Feed, and Potatoes, Read…


Prof. George Roch, Music Teacher and Tuner of Orga…


Grand Spelling Bee, Fair View School, Mechanicsvil…

The Busty Fairy & her Cohorts

A Happy New Year in the Sky and on the Sea

Christmas Ball Ticket, Kresky's Hotel, Mehoopany,…

Gough's Lecture Ticket, Seamen's Friend Society, M…

The Museum, Skinner, Day & Co., Keene, New Hampshi…

A. F. Moore, M.D., Winsted, Connecticut, ca. 1883

"Medley of Meat Recipes," c1945

"The Mazola Salad Bowl," 1938

"Shedd's Old Style Sauce", c1960

C. W. Miller's Omnibus and Baggage Express Pass, B…

C. W. Miller's Omnibus and Baggage Express Pass, B…

Grand Temperance Lecture Ticket

Something New — Vaudeville Show at Woodford Farm,…

Venetian Room Postcard, c1940

Get Well Greeting Card, c1940

Edaville Postcard Booklet, 1949


Dollarhide Trestle Postcard, c1920

Ryman's Liver Pills

Escort Card, 1880s