Any machines (working, resting or quietly rusting away) related to farms and agriculture- tractors, combines, silaging equipment, ploughs, cultivators, harrows, trailers, rollers, mowers, you name it!
Ein Stein ist das ganze Thema; Nicht mehrere , keinen Haufen Steine , Mauern o.Ä.
nein NUR EIN STEIN soll , darf es sein. Dabei ist es egal ob es sich um Edelstein ,oder einen banalen Stein, den sie vielleicht als Urlaubserinnerung mitgebracht haben. ( Auf Gallen und Nierensteine kann man hier getrost verzichten )
Une pierre est l'ensemble du sujet; Pas plusieurs, pas un tas de pierres, de murs ou similaires.
JUSTE UNE PIERRE qu'il nous faut. Peu importe qu'il s'a…
Challenging, stimulating and quirky. Around tracks and stations. Off the beaten track. Focused on photographic insight, experience. Captured in images. Sometimes real glimpses of the railway.
A touch eccentric and sometimes lighthearted. All around the track. Mostly carefree in search of surprise in the rhythm of everyday life.
Dare to be surprised here? Here you are on the trail of challenge. Get on board the Image Express and join in!
The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth, always showing the same face with its near side marked by d…
A collection of all the images of summer. If you feel like summer with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Spring
4 Seasons - Fall
4 Seasons - Winter
Photos of electric railways and trains from all over the world, whether they be mainline, branchline, narrow gauge, industrial, underground, ancient or modern.
As the subject says - Bokeh is the blurry way of photography. Even if you do not recognize it, bokeh is a big subject in photography, as you can see it every day in lots of pictures.
This group is dedicated to all you bokeh-lovers - to all the people out there, who have an eye for the smooth and blurry subject in their photos (instead of the sharp subject in the foreground).
You are welcome to join this group and to be part of the Bokeh community. Contribute your blurry shots and enjoy the…
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Public groups in which Robert Swanson is a member475 groups in total
The Wall
This group is about pure walls or walls including windows or doors or even a little graffiti - but the focus has to be on the wall itself.
Tout genre de machins à roues sans exception ! All kind of wheeled vehicles or things without any exception !
Roses - All Roses
Roses nothing but roses!
Farm Machinery Old and New
Any machines (working, resting or quietly rusting away) related to farms and agriculture- tractors, combines, silaging equipment, ploughs, cultivators, harrows, trailers, rollers, mowers, you name it!
Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.
Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !
" - Ein Stein - " Ein Stein ist das ganze Thema; Nicht mehrere , keinen Haufen Steine , Mauern o.Ä. nein NUR EIN STEIN soll , darf es sein. Dabei ist es egal ob es sich um Edelstein ,oder einen banalen Stein, den sie vielleicht als Urlaubserinnerung mitgebracht haben. ( Auf Gallen und Nierensteine kann man hier getrost verzichten ) Une pierre est l'ensemble du sujet; Pas plusieurs, pas un tas de pierres, de murs ou similaires. JUSTE UNE PIERRE qu'il nous faut. Peu importe qu'il s'a…
Art Deco and Modernist
For images of everything in the Art Deco and Modernist style
Trains of the World
Post your best photos of any trains from any country.
The Expression-Express
Challenging, stimulating and quirky. Around tracks and stations. Off the beaten track. Focused on photographic insight, experience. Captured in images. Sometimes real glimpses of the railway. A touch eccentric and sometimes lighthearted. All around the track. Mostly carefree in search of surprise in the rhythm of everyday life. Dare to be surprised here? Here you are on the trail of challenge. Get on board the Image Express and join in!
Silverware-Argenterie-Orfèvrerie- Ferronnerie d'art
Toute argenterie ou orfèvrerie-bijoux - ferronnerie d'art -ciselure en photo ou travail digital
Moon - Lune - Mond
The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter. The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth, always showing the same face with its near side marked by d…
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
Here you can post pictures of all seasons!
4 Seasons - Summer
A collection of all the images of summer. If you feel like summer with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter
Electric Trains / Trains électriques / Elektrische Züge / Los trenes eléctricos / Trenau trydan
Photos of electric railways and trains from all over the world, whether they be mainline, branchline, narrow gauge, industrial, underground, ancient or modern.
MAEZIOÙ / ARVESTVA /PAYSAGE /PANORAMA in mémoriam à Mahuphidos
Paysages de tous pays ...mais uniquement cela ...
Les photos sont aussi les reflets de nos âmes...
People at work
As the title says: working people
Treppen und andere Auf- und Abgänge - Stairs and moving staircases etc.
Treppen, Auf- und Abgänge aller Art
Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography
As the subject says - Bokeh is the blurry way of photography. Even if you do not recognize it, bokeh is a big subject in photography, as you can see it every day in lots of pictures. This group is dedicated to all you bokeh-lovers - to all the people out there, who have an eye for the smooth and blurry subject in their photos (instead of the sharp subject in the foreground). You are welcome to join this group and to be part of the Bokeh community. Contribute your blurry shots and enjoy the…
Schwarz und Weiss ,Black and White
Schwarz und Weiß Black and White