Group: People at work

Dumbarton High Street

Sandblasters Working on DH41 0015[1]

Ed Cleaningthe Rods 20250125 13 13 10 Pro

In repair

Working on a Roof

Workers on a Roof

Ed Shoveling Forward 20250222 12 48 43 Pro

Work Area 20250116 11 13 31 Pro

Cleaning the Canopy

aviation 74

Steam cleaning Mulleys Motorways YN05 HBO at Ixwor…

Climbing aboard

Construction of the New Dumbarton Library

Three White Vans

Im Magni-Viertel in Braunschweig (PiP)

Hausputz im Magni-Viertel (2 PiP)

Scotland, The Perfect Stage

Feldkirch Österreich

Putting the Christmas Tree on St Enoch Square

Setting up the Christmas Market