Add your vernacular photos here! They should be vintage, original, and of a vernacular nature. Only submit photos that belong to you.
Please refer to this description by Robin Lenman:
"Aesthetically unpretentious, generally functional images made by amateur snapshooters or grass-roots professionals (e.g. itinerant tintypists, photowallahs, or jobbing local portraitists) for everyday purposes such as creating keepsakes or recording mundane objects."
Read more:…
Verleihen sie ihrem Foto noch mehr Ausdruck durch ausgewählte Zitate , Sprüche oder Gedichte...
Ajoutez à votre photo encore plus d'expression en ajoutant des citations, proverbes ou poèmes ...
Give to your photo even more expression by selected quotes, sayings or poems ...
Inserisci la tua foto ancora più espressione da virgolette selezionati, detti o poesia ...
Everything that leads from one shore to the other, bridges, ferries, boats.... over brooks, rivers, bays.... But also everything that happens on or under bridges along the banks.
You are welcome to publish if you have suitable photos.
Each color and shade has an individual effect and is strong seen this way.
Consequently, all colors are welcome : bold colors, monochromatic images, psychedelic color combinations, abstract or natural colors...
Pictures with 15 ⭐ or more
See also the sister groups:
5+ Favourites
10+ Favourites
20+ Favourites
25+ Favourites
30+ Favourites
40+ Favourites
50+ Favourites
75+ Favourites
100+ Favourites
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫
I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
Autres mouvements chrétiens
Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels
la liste est longue !
A vous de jouer !
merci d'avance de votre participation
Nel gruppo " La natura che...Vale" SOLO fotografia naturalistica : fiori, uccelli, insetti, farfalle ed animali in genere.
No paesaggi !!! e NO AI !!!
Le foto non inerenti saranno cancellate !!!
NO AI generated !
In the "The nature that ...Vale" ONLY nature photography: flowers, birds, insects and animals in general.
The pictures not related will be deleted!
Gruppo creato il 7 gennaio 2014
Share your photos with rust or with ruins. Make them a part of the history!
Photos having a Rusty background, or some Ruins behind/under/anywhere
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Public groups in which Robert Swanson is a member475 groups in total
Vernacular Photography
Add your vernacular photos here! They should be vintage, original, and of a vernacular nature. Only submit photos that belong to you. Please refer to this description by Robin Lenman: "Aesthetically unpretentious, generally functional images made by amateur snapshooters or grass-roots professionals (e.g. itinerant tintypists, photowallahs, or jobbing local portraitists) for everyday purposes such as creating keepsakes or recording mundane objects." Read more:…
" 1:1 : Citations, proverbes et poèmes " Verleihen sie ihrem Foto noch mehr Ausdruck durch ausgewählte Zitate , Sprüche oder Gedichte... Ajoutez à votre photo encore plus d'expression en ajoutant des citations, proverbes ou poèmes ... Give to your photo even more expression by selected quotes, sayings or poems ... Inserisci la tua foto ancora più espressione da virgolette selezionati, detti o poesia ...
River crossings and embankments
Everything that leads from one shore to the other, bridges, ferries, boats.... over brooks, rivers, bays.... But also everything that happens on or under bridges along the banks. You are welcome to publish if you have suitable photos.
Orange positive
Orange colour only - of the main subject.
Strong Colors
Each color and shade has an individual effect and is strong seen this way. Consequently, all colors are welcome : bold colors, monochromatic images, psychedelic color combinations, abstract or natural colors...
15+ Favourites
Pictures with 15 ⭐ or more See also the sister groups: 5+ Favourites 10+ Favourites 20+ Favourites 25+ Favourites 30+ Favourites 40+ Favourites 50+ Favourites 75+ Favourites 100+ Favourites
Fruit and vegetables
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫ I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
Roses ... roses ... and roses ! Warning: NO AI !!! Only PHOTOS or videos !
Edifices religieux de tout pays
Eglises Mosquées Abbayes Basiliques Cathédrales Couvent Pieurés Chapelles Christianisme Catholicisme Protestantisme Autres mouvements chrétiens Judaïsme Bouddhisme Hindouisme Sikh Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels la liste est longue ! A vous de jouer ! merci d'avance de votre participation
Shoot the photographer
any pictures of someone else taking a picture of something or somebody
it's a zoo out there
pictures relating to animals,
All flowers
I Know there are many flower groups but to save this one from closure please put your flower pics here. Thanks
Le coeur de ces dames
Toutes les photos concernant le coeur de très près des fleurs en mode macro.
Flowers (3)
Please feel free to post any flower pictures you want :-)
La natura che...Vale - NO LANDSCAPES
Nel gruppo " La natura che...Vale" SOLO fotografia naturalistica : fiori, uccelli, insetti, farfalle ed animali in genere. No paesaggi !!! e NO AI !!! Le foto non inerenti saranno cancellate !!! NO AI generated ! In the "The nature that ...Vale" ONLY nature photography: flowers, birds, insects and animals in general. NO LANDSCAPES !!! The pictures not related will be deleted! Gruppo creato il 7 gennaio 2014
Photographs of anything and everything Utah.
mpph (MAD SQUAD)
Rusty & Ruins
Share your photos with rust or with ruins. Make them a part of the history! Photos having a Rusty background, or some Ruins behind/under/anywhere Welcome!
Into the Blue Blue Sky
Pictures with a blue sky
Autumn colours and softness**********
landscapes, foliage in autumn colours only*********** I am the creator of this group♫