honeyj's photos with the keyword: B/W

Drive, He Sd

03 Apr 2021 7 2 727
oh, that reminds me. can I borrow the car? to go where? um, california? what? that's over 2,000 miles away! yeah. I'll need money for gas too.


11 Nov 2018 14 3 949
what are we doing here, arkady? I don't like this place. nobody does, comrade. well then? we have an informer in our midst. that's not possible! unfortunately, it is. do you know who? I do. he's in there. in. . . there? has he talked? oh yes. quite a lot. what about? about. . . . you, comrade. me? says you're his contact. no! it's a lie! maybe. we'll find out. what. . . what happens next? I think you know. isn't there anything I can do? say your prayers. that's funny, arkady. a lot of good that would do me. I really can't think of anything else. that's just great. well, you asked.


26 Nov 2017 8 2 492
why do you do it, frank? why do I do what? hurt all those people? is it out of a sense of justice? justice? no. why then? there's some people I just don't like. oh. ok. I'm good with that. thought you would be.


16 Nov 2017 14 4 801
are you comfortable? of course. are you? I always am, when I'm looking at you. aw. shut up and take the picture.

Artificial Intelligence

05 Nov 2017 7 2 522
what are you doing today? I got a big test tomorrow. getting ready. so you're gonna hit the books? books? no way. I have a very good memory. the best ever. but you've read the material, right? no, I don't read. so how are you planning to pass this test? I have a lot of words. more than anyone. that's it? it's gotten me this far. that is so depressingly true.

the professionals

01 Apr 2017 4 644
it's coming. where's ernie? dunno. he was right behind us. damn. I bet he stopped at that ice cream place. how are we gonna pull off this heist without him? just get ready. there's no turning back now. but he's got the plans! what? he wanted to carry something. you gave him the plans? we're screwed! so now what are we gonna do? wait and have some ice cream? RIP Jimmy 10/27/47 - 8/11/12


28 Mar 2017 7 5 720
good morning, comrade general. here is your daily foreign intelligence briefing. thank you. what news? all good, sir. our agents are completely embedded in the executive branch in Washington, DC. and our prime asset? he is carrying out his instructions as a good state functionary. a russian functionary, that is. ha ha. he knows on what side his bread is buttered, eh, sergei? and we feed him lots of butter, don't we. that idiot is turning the USA into an SSR. one tweet at a time, eh, general? tell him to keep it up. not necessary. he's on line 2 for you now. he is? to apologize. he was quoted as saying he hoped Obamacare would "explode," not "implode" like we ordered. mistakes like that we can live with, sergei. I wonder if the Amerikanskis can. ask someone who cares.