honeyj's groups

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Public groups in which honeyj is an administrator
15 groups in total



    Created 15 years ago

    A group for good photos that do not receive the desired number of visits or comments in your gallery, but that you think deserve it. In this group you must remove all photos with more than 250 visits or 15 favourites. Please dont uploud pictures with more than the mentioned visits or favorites. Kind Regards Granad'A and Verdecores1

  • Autumn colours

    Autumn colours

    Created 15 years ago

    pictures, personal paintings,landscapes, connected wtih the variationof autumn colours . Be creative.

  • New York

    New York

    Created 17 years ago

    It's all about the Big Apple ...



    Created 17 years ago

    Uh, Pretty girls? Yeah, that's it... PLEASE NO BLURRED/BLOCKED OUT FACES. THEY WILL BE DENIED/REMOVED. This means that the face of the girl must at least be partially visible.

  • verschiedene motive ... different motive

    verschiedene motive ... different motive

    Created 16 years ago

    hier könnt ihr verschiedene motive rein setzen aber um eines bitte ich euch hier sollen keine nacktbilder usw rein !!! here you can place different motive purely but around a please I to you here none should go nacktbilder etc. purely!!!

  • Photo and Poetry

    Photo and Poetry

    Created 16 years ago

    photo poetry poesy verse rhyme music Only photos related to a poem. Please try to specify the author.

  • Black and white portraits

    Black and white portraits

    Created 16 years ago

    Portraits in black and white, the face should be visible and a main subject! No colour, no animal-portraits and NO AI !!!

  • Mes Préférences à Moi

    Mes Préférences à Moi

    Created 14 years ago

    Your favorite photos among all those you come across as you walk through the Ipernity galleries!

  • *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

    *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

    Created 10 years ago

    A space for photographic icons, iconographers and iconoclasts.

  • Transportation


    Created 17 years ago

    If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here. Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another. The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation. If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted. Temporary moderated. Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…



    Created 11 years ago

    Going where you shouldn't be! Feed the rush! And take pictures!



    Created 15 years ago

    que du noir et blanc, pas de sépia, pas de point de couleur, pas de graveleux

  • Parent's Love

    Parent's Love

    Created 16 years ago

    Quality Parenting Images demonstrating the strong bonds between mother and child AND father and child respectively --- throughout the lifespan and not limited to the early infant year . You DO NOT HAVE TO BE PARENTS TO JOIN, just as long as you have some images portraying a parent's love/bond with his/her/their child. So both proud parents and those who have a strong interest and applicable images, you are more than welcome to join! Hopefully by browsing through these images you will b…

  • Storm


    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures of storm clouds, rain, people running, waves, water ... you name it!

  • Enchanted Forest

    Enchanted Forest

    Created 16 years ago

    PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING FOR THE FIRST TIME: We love capturing magical, mystical, haunted, mysterious, other-worldly, even ominous, forests and woods; places not readily seen, only rumored to exist in our collective memory or fable. The world of elves, ogres and gremlins. If your picture evokes that kind of magic, post it here. No cute or cuddly, ok? PLEASE ONLY POST PICS THAT YOU HAVE TAKEN YOURSELF, THANKS. Check out these pics to see what this group is all about:

Public groups in which honeyj is a moderator
4 groups in total

Public groups in which honeyj is a member
419 groups in total

  • nudes in color - females or males

    nudes in color - females or males

    Created 15 years ago

    Kein Schwarz-Weiss, nur Akt, Aktfotos, Teilaktfotos in Farbe Frauen, Männer oder Paare Du musst das Veröffentlichungsrecht haben! Keine fremden Bilder aus dem web! "Künstlerische" Fotos; keine Schnappschüsse. Keine heimlichen Aufnahmen / candid shots ! ------------ No b&w, only fine art nudes, partly nudes in color. Woman, men or couples. (Partly)Nudes are welcome No photos of which You don't have the Copyright! No netfinds! "Fine art" photos; no snapshots. No candid shots ! ------…