Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: plaque

Orvieto 2024 – Memorial plaque

05 Jun 2024 51
Per le insigni memorie di questo tempio Al Serafico di Assisi che di sua presenza ebbe onorata la Città il Comune lo eresse e dedico a 1240. Di privilegi e sacre reliquie decorato vide le estati di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio giovane studente nell'attiguo convento e da lui moderatore supremo dell'ordine minoritico venne ampliato a 1263. Fu consagrato da Clemente IV a 1266. Accolse Gregorio X Carlo d'Angio Edoardo I d'Inghilterra con la Regina consorte Elisabetta di Castiglia per i funerali di Enrico di Cornovaglia a 1273. Bonifacio VIII vi elevó all'onore degli altari Luigi IX Re di Francia a 1297 Riuni le fastose Assisi del IV Congresso eucaristico nazionale indetto da Leone XIII a 1896. Google translate: For the distinguished memories of this temple The Municipality erected and dedicated it to the Seraphic of Assisi who had honored the city with his presence in 1240. Bonaventura da Bagnoregio's summers as a young student in the adjacent convent were decorated with privileges and sacred relics and he became supreme moderator of the Minorite order in 1263. It was consecrated by Clement IV in 1266. Gregory X Charles of Anjou welcomed Edward I of England with his Queen consort Elizabeth of Castile for the funeral of Henry of Cornwall in 1273. Boniface VIII raised you to the honor of the altars Louis IX King of France in 1297 Gathered in the sumptuous Assisi of the IV National Eucharistic Congress called by Leo XIII in 1896.

Sirolo 2024 – Here lived Jicky Juvenal-Smith

30 Apr 2024 84
Secret agent during the Second World War. everloved.com/life-of/jicky-real-name-hazel-juvenal-smith/obituary

Perugia 2023 – Memorial for people who died by the…

Perugia 2023 – Memorial for Eglo Tenerini

26 Nov 2023 61
Killed on May 5, 1944.

Perugia 2023 – Memorial for the 500 who died in Na…

Plaque for the actor Louis Bouwmeester

13 Mar 2023 65
Bouwmeester was especially famous for his Shakespeare roles, here you can see him as Shylock. You can see him here in a film from the 1920s: youtube.com/watch?v=qcclB0MbHPw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE

Dénia 2022 – Plaque to commemorate the building of…

Crete 2021 – Memorial plaque for Antonis Melidonis

21 Feb 2022 67
He fought in the Greek war of independence, he was killed in 1822

Hamburg 2019 – Memorial plaque for Carl von Ossiet…

Lisbon 2018 – Santa Apolónia railway station – Pla…

18 Dec 2018 74
Delgado was a general who was a candidate for the 1958 presidential election, promising to remove Salazar from office. He failed, went into exile and tried to organise a rebellion from outside the country. In 1965 he was shot dead by the Portuguese secret police when he was lured into an ambush when he tried to enter Portugal clandestinely. The plaque is here because Delgado arrived here from Porto on 16 May 1958.

Lisbon 2018 – Memorial plaque for Dr. Artur de Oli…

Slot Loevestein 2017 – The International Law Ass.…

Plaque for professor Gerard Noodt

16 May 2017 128
He argued for freedom and the sovereignty of the people (as opposed to sovereignty coming from God or a king) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Noodt

On this spot the Snellius Problem was solved

02 Apr 2017 174
The problem was solved by Snellius. More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snellius–Pothenot_problem

Amsterdam 2016 – Plaque for Chet Baker

Plaque to commemorate the razzia of December 6, 19…

16 Jan 2016 249
The Germans picked up around 1300 men in a razzia on December 5, 1944 and they used Haarlem station to transport them to work camps in Rees, Bienen and Praest in Germany. 81 died from the exhaustion, diseases and maltreatment. More info (in Dutch): www.rees.bloemendaal.nl

Plaque for Herman Coster

30 Jun 2014 1 196
Herman Coster lived from 1865 to 1899. He studied to become a lawyer in Leiden and afterwards he went to South Africa. He died in the Battle of Elandslaagte . This plaque was made in 1901.

Plaque commemorating the scientific work of Willeb…

29 items in total