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Updated on: 08 Dec 2019.
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What to do with "extra" cameras... - 16 years ago

With numerous cameras around, it might be obvious there are a few I don't use very often.  Like my 100 year old Agfa 5X7 view camera.  So far I have taken two photos with it, just to test things out.  Neither turned out very well. I'm not using my D70 much either.  The only time I use it is when I need to use the IR remote, which does not work with the D200.  In other words; not very often. So when I today came across some information about a company called LifePixel , I decided it would…

  • The collector

    - 04 May 2008
    A while back I overheard a conversation between two amateur photographers I don't know wery well. One was talking about buying a slightly used 30D from a friend, so now he would have two, plus the 20D and a 40D. His friend was asking why would he want so many almost identical cameras? I cannot remember the answer exactly, but the gist of it was: "The more, the merrier." So I thought a bit smugly to myself that at least I can manage with just one camera, which makes for less clutter and not…

  • Sunsets and location, location, location...

    - 30 Jun 2007
    Yesterday's sunset was absolutely perfect.  When I noticed this I was in my car, but I had my camera with me and I was stopped at a very slow traffic light and there was a rather interesting tree between me and the  sunset.  And nothing else but the tree.  So I got my camera out of my bag, but living in a construction zone has left my car rather dusty so to get a good shot I had to roll down the window.  By the time I got that done, the sunset had turned into a dusty grey-orange mush and ther…

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Latest comments - All (6)
Estoy mirando asombrada tus fotos ,saludos de Osorno Chile
15 years ago.
 Nico Worm
Nico Worm
Halloo SuperMaria, anders als beispielsweise eine Handykamera, verfügen sämtliche DSLR Modelle über einen Sperrfilter vor dem Sensor. Lediglich bei einigen wenigen Modellen lässt sich das Filter wegklappen. Das Sperrfilter sorgt dafür, dass nur der sichtbare Bereich der elektromagnetischen Strahlung auf den Sensor trifft. Um mit einem IR Filter zu fotografieren, muss eine lange Belichtungszeit eingeplant werden. Werte von 40s bis 75s lassen sich nur mit Fernauslöser, Stativ und falls vorhanden, mit Spiegelvorauslösung realisieren. Der automatische Weißabgleich ist nicht zu empfehlen - die Aufnahmen werden "hot pink". Hier empfehle ich die manuelle Einstellung und Werte um 3000K (Kelvin). LG und viel Spaß.
15 years ago.
 Jason Elkins
Jason Elkins

16 years ago.
graias por tu visita ienes fotos muy lindas,saludos de Chile
16 years ago.
... and thanks for the add ;)
17 years ago.

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