Articles by SuperMarina


Not really sure if I need another blog, but OK, if I'm to try this I may as well...


  • What to do with "extra" cameras...

    - 16 years ago - 9 comments
    With numerous cameras around, it might be obvious there are a few I don't use very often.  Like my 100 year old Agfa 5X7 view camera.  So far I have taken two photos with it, just to test things out.  Neither turned out very well. I'm not using my D70 much either.  The only time I use it is when I need to use the IR remote, which does not work with the D200.  In other words; not very often. So when I today came across some information about a company called LifePixel , I decided it would…

  • The collector

    - 04 May 2008
    A while back I overheard a conversation between two amateur photographers I don't know wery well. One was talking about buying a slightly used 30D from a friend, so now he would have two, plus the 20D and a 40D. His friend was asking why would he want so many almost identical cameras? I cannot remember the answer exactly, but the gist of it was: "The more, the merrier." So I thought a bit smugly to myself that at least I can manage with just one camera, which makes for less clutter and not…

  • Sunsets and location, location, location...

    - 30 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    Yesterday's sunset was absolutely perfect.  When I noticed this I was in my car, but I had my camera with me and I was stopped at a very slow traffic light and there was a rather interesting tree between me and the  sunset.  And nothing else but the tree.  So I got my camera out of my bag, but living in a construction zone has left my car rather dusty so to get a good shot I had to roll down the window.  By the time I got that done, the sunset had turned into a dusty grey-orange mush and ther…

  • Why SuperMarina?

    - 24 Jun 2007 - 4 comments
    I have often been asked about this; why do I call myself SuperMarina? Well, to make a long (and probably very boring) story short, I just suddenly one winter day while driving to work discovered I had superpowers. Or more exactly, at lunchtime the same day I was writing an entry in my Norwegian blog and I wanted to write about the difference in drivers education standards between Norway, where I learned to drive, and Iowa, where I live now. But, being unable to be serious on any topic, afte…