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Updated on: 16 Dec 2013.

Winter Recedes, Spring Approaches, album created on 22 Mar 2013

I feel blessed that I get to live here. I'm truly grateful for it. I never get tired of walking or riding the bike along the lakes here with or without taking pictures, but taking in all the beauty and silence. In particular today, I had a magic moment in the afternoon, when I sat in that wooden "chair" that's among the pictures, enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my face, a breeze and the soft sounds of little wavelets collapsing on the shore. There was bird song and the sound of the wind and wav…

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Rescue Forces avert near Tragedy on Lake Woerthsee - 16 years ago

I happened to be around and have my camera with me when this happened on the lake today: A mother had her six months baby and a two-and-a-half-year old with her, all three of them being on skates. When she approached a spot of thin ice, bystanders shouted warnings her way, but it was too late: She broke through the surface, which was a mere half inch thick. As she fell in the water, she lost grip of the stroller with the baby that she had been pushing in front of her. The stroller rolled on and…

About renovatio06

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Love Song Kees TideSurfer Ragnheidur scratchy Christophe Ruelle Vala Agnes Sherry ~ Rebujito Matthäus Felder CruisAir astrale Peter Ka Lea d'ipernity


Latest comments - All (45)
renovatio06 has replied to Ferl
Thanks, Ferl, I appreciate that. Unfortunately, I'm not active on ipernity at this point. Thanks for visiting and leaving kind comments, made my day.
14 years ago.
Wonderful journey in your gallery....!
I'll come back to see very
14 years ago.
 Sherry ~ Rebujito
Sherry ~ Rebujito
Hope you had a great birthday!!!
15 years ago.
renovatio06 has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
OK, that's great!
15 years ago.
 Sherry ~ Rebujito
Sherry ~ Rebujito
Thank you so much for your birthday wishes Werner
YES I did
I had a blast in California :-DDDD
15 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?