About renovatio06

Musician, photographer, writer (Web-/Mac-related).

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Occupation: Writer (New Media, Mac, Web 2.0)


Music, photography, writing, web 2.0, Mac, being outdoors/nature, waterskiing

Favorite music and artists:

R&B, Jazz, Funk, Film Score, but frankly everything that's cleverly and tastefully composed and performed. I have been seen rocking along with speed metal rock in my car - all depending on current mood ;-)

Favorite movies and actors:

The Fabulous Baker Boys, Bird, Bandits, The Legend of Bagger Vance, Contact, Field of Dreams, Fisher King, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Havana, Here Comes Polly, Mo' Better Blues, Music of the Heart, The Mexican, Jurassic Park I, Peaceful Warrior, Prince of the Tides, The Shipping News, The War
Actors: All of them Starring in above + Sir Anthony Hopkins (THE actor of all times), Nick Nolte, Richard Gere, Sean Penn, Robert Redford, Amy Smart, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Judy Dench, Meryl Streep, and a few more I can't think of right now.

Favorite books and authors:

Yet to come...