2015 Panama Moths, album created on 20 Apr 2015

The Moth species which we have recorded at the two hotels through our stay.145 species have so far been logged and added here, but there are a few more smaller moths yet to review. Picture Reference Numbers are PxxxR= Radisson Hotel, PxxxG= Gamboa Hotel, and PxxxRG at both hotels. The reference number is just the order in which my photographs were logged pending species identification, but these may change when I include a set of moths recorded in 2007 as well.

2014 Bali, Indonesia Scenes & Wildlife, album created on 12 Oct 2014

Pictures from our visit to the hotel Maya Ubud, inland at Bali. The hotel is on the side of a river valley filled with lush vegetation and having tracks along the river side. Chosen because of the possibility of interesting wildlife here. As well as a wide range of general wildlife, we had over 60 species of Moths recorded at our garden villa, which are now in a companion Album in this folder.

2016 Dominican Republic Scenes & Wildlife, album created on 30 Oct 2016

Views of the area and Wildlife seen in the area of our Hotel at Samana, Dominican Republic.

latest article

About Our Pages...... - 7 years ago

After the successful take-over of the site by the IMA and the generally smooth running as the site continues, it looks like a great job done, so thanks to everyone involved. However, should problems develop and we still head for a shut-down, and you would like to continue following my world travel and wildlife postings, please search for "aj-worldwildlife" on the Internet and find the "aj-worldwildlife.myspecies.info" URL. I have begun creating a mirror web-site there attached to the Natural Hi…

Latest photos

Updated on: 11 Dec 2019.

About Tony James


Jaap van 't Veen StoneRoad2013 Wimm/Vic C.Rayz Don Barrett (aka DBs travels) Bruce Hyde Ryan Brookes David Holland


 Tony James
Tony James club
Thanks for the kind comments everyone.
9 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Tony James
Tony James club
Hi Everyone, Welcome to our pages, and thanks for visiting us. I intend posting sets of wildlife from world trips as soon as I can, so if you are interested in finding out more of the places we've visited, see the Article "About our Pages" occasionally to see what's new.

For "Family" members, there are now some Family History pictures posted here as well, but you will need to contact me to see them.
11 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Thank you for including me in your Contacts, Tony. I look forward to exploring your albums.
11 years ago.
 Tony James
Tony James club
You'll also see occasional changes to my banner picture, as I've created a small collection of them from our travel pictures.
11 years ago.
 Tony James
Tony James club
Yes, we were both a lot younger in those days! This is giving me an opportunity to go though a huge amount of pictures (film and digital) to put some on display. Someone might be interested!
11 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?