Tony James' photos

47 Goodby Colombia, Next Stop Ecuador

11 Dec 2019 2 1 278
A final Airport view as we leave. South America is a good place to see old plane types, long gone but still flying past their Airworthyness rating.

46 Our Next Stage of the Tour Arrives

11 Dec 2019 264
Our "Air Chariot" arrives, one of three Boeing 707's in the Ecuatoriana Airline. One of our tour group who was a Plane Spotter reckoned that from its ID this plane had been previously withdrawn from service by another Airline...

45 Back to Bogota Outskirts

44 Roadside Sales Again

11 Dec 2019 1 278
Time to practice your Spanish reading skills.....

43 Back to Bogota

11 Dec 2019 1 1 282
A very rural scene which could have been in Europe.

42 Cathedral Side Gallery

11 Dec 2019 250
Much of the Cathedral accoutrements were carved from solid salt, some of which were interesting sculptures.

41 Finally at the Salt Cathedral

11 Dec 2019 250
The excavated area was huge, and the lighting here very difficult to cope with using old film cameras.The reddish light squiggle near the bottom centre was someone walking around with a torch.

40 Near the Tunnel End

11 Dec 2019 258
Salt became more apparent as we got deeper into the mountain. This is all the remains of Salt excavation by local Indian people in the past.

39 Heading Into The Old Salt Mine

11 Dec 2019 162
Lighting here was fluorescent tubes strung loosely everywhere.It appeared that this place was still "under development".

38 Going Deep Into The Mountain

11 Dec 2019 173
We should have brought a torch for here!

37 Zipaquira Salt Cathedral Entrance

11 Dec 2019 178
Presumably the site was still under development, judging by the debris hanging around everywhere outside the entrance tunnel.

36 Next Stop Zipaquira in Sight

11 Dec 2019 176
The second part of this trip was the the Salt Cathedral at Zipaquira, made fro an old salt mine excavation.

35 Gnome from Gnome

11 Dec 2019 172
They're appearing everywhere! Looks like they are expecting a flood!

34 Modern Stain-Glass Windows

11 Dec 2019 178
Lots of stained glass in the windows, but only as patterns, rather than early European versions which depicted Saints and Scenes.

33 Christening Font Room Guatavita Church

11 Dec 2019 173
A difficult available light picture with bright windows making the inside almost in shadow. I have post processed this picture to try to equalise the exposure.

32 Inside The Modern Guatavita Church

11 Dec 2019 176
Most of the churches we visited in South America were beautifully decorated and really interesting to visit. Out of respect to the locals, I do not like using flash in churches, so the pictures are taken with available light.

31 Visiting Guatavita Church

11 Dec 2019 173
A quick visit to see the inside of the central Church.

30 Floor Tile Artwork at Church Plaza

11 Dec 2019 170
It looks like art based on indigenous Indian design.

2202 photos in total