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Updated on: 18 Sep 2022.

Scavenge Hunt 2021-2022, album created on 04 Apr 2021

1)Cube 2)Tool/s 3)Bubbles 4)Rainbow 5)Footwear 6)Crazy colours 7)Something above you 8)Something below you 9)Teacup 10)Musical instrument 11)Orange car 12)Motorcycle 13)Street sign 14)Licence plate 15)Steps 16)A nature abstract 17)Something rough 18)‘For Sale’ sign 19)Arched window 20)Something sticky 21)Mexican food 22)Dyptic 23)Shells 24)Made of wood 25)Something wet 26)Fresh cut flowers 27)Moss 28)Animal footprints 29)Your birthday at 2 O’Clock 30)Wrapped Christmas present 31)Puddle 32)Bird f…

Scavenge Hunt 2020-2021, album created on 31 Mar 2020

01 Accidental Letters 02 Horse(s) 03 Hands 04 Wildflowers 05 Silhouette 06 Bus 07 Something pink 08 Shop/market stall selling sweets/candy 09 Piece of cake 10 Old book 11 Spider web 12 Police car 13 Water bird (duck/swan/moorhen etc) 14 Gadget 15 Looking through a window 16 Footprints 17 Mannequin 18 Litter 19 Work of art 20 Tall tree 21 Umbrella 22 Bicycle 23 Sidewalk/pavement crack 24 Cappuccino 25 Sunrise or sunset 26 Traffic sign 27 Something pointy 28 Snow/frost/ice 29 Reflection in a mirro…

Sight and Sound, album created on 05 Nov 2019

24 items in total.

About Diederik Santema


aNNa schramm Fred Fouarge Berny homaris Amelia Xata Petar Bojić Chrissy Heidiho Janet Brien Wilm Ruebenkraut Aschi "Freestone" Valfal X-pose Damir Narelle Moreno Rob Gisela Plewe Hervé S. Taormina Jan Teunis Haveman Tere79 Sa Marta Wojtkowska Der Cuxhavener François Manchon


Latest comments - All (12)
Hi Diederik, just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday! :-)
4 years ago.
Have a Happy and Blessed Birthday, Diederik!

5 years ago.
auguri di compleanno

Happy Birthday

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag
6 years ago.
Xata club
I will be in Iceland with a small group of portuguese photographers second forthnight of june.
I just love your BWs, thanks for sharing, as for your fairy tale.
6 years ago.
Hope that you had a very Happy Birthday, Diederik! :-)
7 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?