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Updated on: 25 Nov 2019.

Berango Visit May 2019, album created on 07 Jun 2019

A family visit with Janice, Wiggie Woo & I going across to stay with Alvaro, Megan & Freya in the Basque Country, Joined later by Duncan, Jenna & Ember who stayed in nearby Algorta...

The Basque Country 2019, album created on 03 May 2019

29 items in total.

Ember, album created on 05 Oct 2017

Baby Ember Branley, Duncan and Jenna's first child, our first grandchild was born at 15:58 on 20th July 2017 at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital weighing in at 7lb 9-1/4oz (3.437kg). It wasn't until 24th September that we were able to get across from France to see her, but it was worth it...

latest article

What Can We Say About Lurkers.... - 8 years ago

I'm constantly amazed how many people pop in to have a gander at my images but leave and say nothing, I believe they're known as 'lurkers'. Are my images that bad? It's certainly not a case of looking at the same type of image over and over again, as someone once said, my site is 'a mixed bag', so therefore there should be something for everyone. Is it just a case of seeing what others do, grab a few ideas or are they just plain nosy. Perhaps it's that I'm not connected to them so they won't lea…

  • To Print or Not to Print?

    - 18 Nov 2015
    These days we all seem to store hundreds, if not thousands, of images on hard drives. A few years ago I was on a one to one photographic workshop in France run by Geoff Powell. At the time Geoff was a photographer of 35 years standing, he was also a darkroom printer. Geoff made me think differently about my photography (though I didn’t agree with everything he said), he also said, ‘there’s no point in photography unless you have an output, and there’s no point in storing thousands of photogr…

  • A life without Flickr?

    - 26 Jun 2013
    I joined sometime ago, I didn't know anyone and consequently not a lot happened and the account stood idle. I think I'd put so much work into flickr that I really didn't want to start all over again, and it wasn't just a case of transferring my images across, but also trying to find like minded contacts too. What kick started me into action was my old friend John Maenhout from Belgium, a contact from my Trek Earth days, he joined just to upload one image and to support me, and that was enough to…

About Stephen Branley

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Stephen Branley
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 Stephen Branley
Stephen Branley
Vous êtes très bienvenus Pierre, et merci aussi .....
10 years ago.
 Stephen Branley
Stephen Branley
Very kind of you Rhisiart, I don't think I'll ever settle on one subject.....:)
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
 Stephen Branley
Stephen Branley
That's me Phil, a mixed bag. I just get bored doing the same old thing, so I expect I'll be a mixed bag man 'til I pop me clogs!
11 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?