I joined sometime ago, I didn't know anyone and consequently not a lot happened and the account stood idle. I think I'd put so much work into flickr that I really didn't want to start all over again, and it wasn't just a case of transferring my images across, but also trying to find like minded contacts too. What kick started me into action was my old friend John Maenhout from Belgium, a contact from my Trek Earth days, he joined just to upload one image and to support me, and that was enough to rev my engine!

My flickr name was Steve Branley, not very original I know, but at least I wouldn't forget it, and now I just use my Sunday name of Stephen Branley on Ipernity, however, Steve will do for any correspondance.

When I finally got going I decided against doing the straight transfer thing (which I tried and it worked perfectly) and began uploading from scratch, but using lo-res images instead of hi-res as before. The joy of uploading from scratch and using lo-res stuff has its benefits;
  • I get to revisit my work, some of which I may not have seen for a while.
  • The lo-res stuff uploads a lot faster, so no hanging around time.

Since flickr obviously doesn't care about its members, and the site is so hideous, I stopped uploading, made all my photos private, apart from one, quit all my groups, apart from one and made a commitment to this clean, fresh looking site. Hopefully, having seen the mess flickr have made of a once awesome photo site, they won't make the same mistake? Shame about the name though.....Ipernity, well they are French!

Love to hear from anyone, don't be shy......
