Group: Bees, Bzzz, Bees !

Please identify the bee in your photographs

By A Imogen
02 Aug 2013 - 263 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I would like to ask all members to endeavour to add identification of the bee in their photographs. This can be part of your title if you wish or added to the description below the picture. It is acceptable to use "honeybee" or "bumble bee" although in the interest of furthering your own and other members' knowledge of bees it would be great if you include the correct scientific name as well.

This may seem an onerous request but there are many internet identification sites to help us. As the group has grown and now includes members from a wide geographical spectrum the types of bees added to the group has grown also. It seems logical to progress to the next step and identify the bees members are photographing.

Identifying the bee(s) in your picture will have the added bonus of ensuring it is actually a bee and not a wasp or hoverfly (flower fly) etc..

I'm sure you will embrace this as part of the appreciation of bees. It will be a learning curve for us all. I am happy to try and help with identification although my knowledge of northern hemisphere species is not extensive. Perhaps members more knowledgeable in that regard will assist with identification where they can. I will leave it up to each member whether they want to add additional nomenclature to existing photographs in the group, or not. Moving forward, it would be appreciated if everyone identifies bees in new pictures added to the group.

We have a group pool of pictures to be proud of.

Thank you,
Group Administrator

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Imogen 11 years ago.

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