Group: the Gamer Group

Poor Duke.

14 Jun 2011 - 149 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Some things are better left dead. As when you try to resurrect them, you'll often end up with a stinky, rotted, dried up corpse walking around looking for attention.

I have not played one moment of the new Duke Nukem game, but things are not looking good. Based on the things I've read, it seems like it's a remake of Duke Nukem 3D that has less.

What makes me frown? Apparently, when compared to the historic DN3D, it has no new enemy types and no new weapons. Sad. Unfortunately what is new is that it adopted the only-2-weapons-at-a-time philosophy of most modern-day FPSs. Also sad. This turns it into much like a duck and cover, shoot and cover, run and cover style of game. Very sad.

I think I would have been happier if it was just a straight port of DN3D. If it really does suck that much (I've seen scores ranging from 2 to 5.5 out of 10) then maybe next year it will be easy to find used copies for $15. MAYBE then I'll check it out.

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