Group: the Gamer Group

What are you playing now?

18 Sep 2008 - 7 comments - 434 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Are you bouncing around your games, or is there one or two that you're dedicating yourself to at the moment?

I'm working on finishing the last level of Rez right now (great game), and the last level in Ratchet and Clank.

I love the R&C series of games, but the final boss of the 1st game has always eluded me. It's been a while since I last picked it up, but since I recently completed Killzone, I figure now is as good a time as any to try and tie this loose end up.
7 comments - The latest ones
Cool. I'm hoping to get SWFU myself soon.
16 years ago.
Boy oh boy, I haven't updated this in a while. Yeah, I have a very long way to go in Okami. I hear there's about 40-60 hours of game-play, depending on how many side missions you do.

However, my main game at the moment is Resident Evil 4.
15 years ago.
I'm glad to see this thread getting going again; I was thinking about posting something new in it myself.

Right now, I'm playing the DMC: Devil May Cry reboot that came out last year. It got mix reviews, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I plan on posting a review after I'm done.
11 years ago.
DMC is done! I'll probably do a review in February. Now I need to wrap up Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and I've also started Dishonored.
11 years ago.
Well, I finished Dishonored and I'm on to Mirror's Edge. It doesn't seem like it's going to be a very long game as I'm already 1/2 way through, but I think that makes sense. I'll talk more about that when I do the review I'm planning.
11 years ago.
Now with Mirror's Edge (quickly) done, I'm moving on to God of War: Ascension. I've played all of the other GoW games, and I did enjoy them... I'm just hoping that this one can deliver something new.
11 years ago.
I was able to wrap up a few games in the past week including Painkiller, The Lego Movie, and Portal to which my review is now posted. Right now I'm about half-way through a Star Wars game on the Wii entitled Republic Heroes. I was actually expecting it to be kind of bad, but at worst it's just mediocre. Refine the controls a little bit and take out some of the bugs and it could bump itself up to "surprisingly good".
10 years ago.

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