Group: Scavenger Hunt

Topic List

Gillian Everett
By A Gillian Everett club
21 Nov 2024 - 1 comment - 30 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

01 A starts with
02 Advertise a product
03 Book favourite
04 Car
05 Door - interesting
06 Environment
07 Fairy tale
08 Far horizons
09 Film Noir
10 Fishing
11 Floral Art
12 Geography
13 Gritty
14 History
15 House - architecture
16 I can fly
17 I wish I could…
18 Industrial
19 Inspired by…
20 Internet
21 J starts with
22 Jack of Hearts
23 Knot/s
24 Lake
25 Language
26 Laughter
27 Long exposure
28 Low Key
29 Mail Box
30 Matisse style of
31 Moonshine
32 Movie favourite
33 Monet style of
34 Music
35 Night shot
36 Ocean
37 Old Master style of
38 People
39 Person you love the most
40 Phobias
41 Picasso
42 Place you love the most
43 Poetry
44 Pub sign
46 Queen of Diamonds
46 Rock n roll
47 Romance
48 Rope/s
49 Something you really don't like
50 Sunset
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
Ideally new photos, not archives, taken in the year of the project, can span two years e.g. 2022/23, 2023/24 (for those completing first project) or 2024/25

Please tag your entries with the topic number and year of entry:
01Scav2024 or 01/24
02Scav2024 or 02/24

If you are completing a second year with the same topics, please add "Second year Scavenger Hunt" in your description.

As some of the topics are quite hard, a liberal/creative interpretation is welcome.
3 months ago. Edited 3 months ago.

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