Group: Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt 2019 (SH) linked keywords

Sami Serola (inactive)
04 Apr 2019 - 8 comments - 165 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Consider using keywords listed here


So, letters SH and the topic number with two digits right after it. Keywords are not case sensitive. So, if you accidentally use small letters like sh41, it still should work.

You can either access topics from this list, or search with these keywords on group contributions view.

SH01 A landmark
SH02 Dramatic Weather
SH03 A strangers smile
SH04 Something saucy
SH05 Spring flowers
SH06 A lonely shopping trolley
SH07 A graffiti picture (not just a tag)
SH08 A summer drink
SH09 A gift
SH10 Shadows
SH11 A tattoo/tattoos
SH12 A busker (street musician hoping people will throw money to him/her)
SH13 Something flying
SH14 A book in a different language to yours.
SH15 Someone in uniform
SH16 Autumn Berries/leaves
SH17 A public event
SH18 A small car
SH19 In a restaurant/eatery/cafe
SH20 A flag
SH21 A yellow car
SH22 A body of water
SH23 A feather
SH24 A clock tower
SH25 Something someone has lost
SH26 A funny sign
SH27 Men/women at work
SH28 Something rusted
SH29 Fountain in a park
SH30 Something freshly baked
SH31 A park bench
SH32 A river boat
SH33 Winter clothes
SH34 A dog on a lead
SH35 Ticket stub from a play/movie/concert
SH36 A colourful building
SH37 A black cat out and about (NOT your pet)
SH38 Something from your childhood
SH39 On a beach
SH40 In a cemetery
SH41 Washing on a line (not yours)
SH42 Something vintage
SH43 Pareidolia
SH44 A fence
SH45 Something smelly
SH46 A spiral
SH47 Someone up a height
SH48 On the road
SH49 A photographer
SH50 A family

Do notice most of the "searches" give no results because there is no pictures on the subject yet. Searches on this list gives the most recent first. Quote marks on the list searches are intentional, to make the searches even more precise. But they should give correct results also without quote marks.

If you at Photos and other content settings have allowed your contacts (e.g. friends) to add keywords on your images, then we can together make this work ;-)

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Sami Serola (inactive) 23 months ago.

8 comments - The latest ones
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Moreover, if you wish to let other's (e.g. friends) add keywords onto your images, you can enable that here:

I did some testing with keywords, and on some cases I was able to get the suggestions through immediately. But on someone else, I guess the suggestion is now "on hold", waiting for author's confirmation.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Ok I have added these as keywords now
5 years ago.
Just one point in that search on SH1 seems to bring back SH11 etc so maybe 1-9 need to be 01 etc?
5 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jan
I can not reproduce such case. Do you mean the links on the list above, or your own search?

If you just search SH1 on search field left from group contributions view, the search then does not become limited between quotation marks and onto keywords only.
5 years ago.
Jan has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Hi will attach screen
And result
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jan
You are absolutely right Janano. Two digit keywords like SH01 would make the system even better. One can then run the search from group contributions view, and not just use these links.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
Great idea, will check mine now :-)
5 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
We have some cases where keywords like SH4 and SH5 used together with SH04 and SH05. That does not cause problem with links above, but they do cause mismatches if used on searches without citation marks.

Please fix if you find such tiny error on your images ;-)
5 years ago.

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