Group: SPC Podium Group


Rob Stamp
By A Rob Stamp club
12 Oct 2016 - 21 comments - 854 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

The game was started at Panoramio, later the submitted photos were hosted on a member's server, where we intend to continue, but in this group, the use of discussions will allow the control of each game, and the monthly moderator can contact players when required.

SPC game rules and instructions

It will be necessary to register at the VM Site, where an email address is the only personal detail held, and is optional.

There will be less use of discussions compared to the CWP group because the photos are stored, and the voting done, at the VM site.

I hope the top three each month will upload their photo to ipernity, so that they can be added as contributions to the group, making it a winner's gallery. This does mean that all other applications for adding a photo to the group will be rejected.

You might like to create an album to collate your contest entries.

Please do not start new threads, instead add comments or questions here.


The topic of this discussion has been edited by Rob Stamp 5 years ago.

21 comments - The latest ones
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
What we have to do now is ask people to join.
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
I did send a few invitations, that have been accepted, and did think to wait a bit for the new game to start, for there to be something for people to see, to better understand the game.

But checking out the currently finished game, could also be as informative.

So I made a new discussion in the CWP, and wait to see what interest that generates.
8 years ago.
Paolo Tanino club has replied to Rob Stamp club
Hello Rob!
Very well have found solution for SPC Contest !!
I'm ready to moderate next year edition, I prepared the theme for October SPC.
I wait for your OK to prepare the sheet on Panoramio Game in 2016 and put the game in the pre-start.
Let me know. Hi Paul.
8 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
In the rules and instructions there is everywhere Panoramio. Should we not add also Ipernity? Or new people, if there will be new people, will maybe add photos already in Ipernity, that can be seen. Or am I thinking wrong? I'm not sure about what I thought :-)
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Thanks Dany, I have made it “Panoramio or ipernity” in 4 places, which is valid while Pano photos are still accessible for a year.
After that, we will have to accept that maybe we say, “Hey, I’ve seen that before - now who was it…”.

I have modified the Registration Form for ipernity, and account details now show the ipernity id.
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Well that was easy, a bit of refining needed to the original html produced by the VM site.

SPC has finished, view the Top Ten or see the Results in detail (these links are to the external VM site)
Also, for the next Monthly Moderator, there is this Guide.

Here are the top five

1 - #1 - patano - 11.5 votes
il germano reale

2 - #7 - Francine Verweij-Bangcot - 10.5 votes
monkey- eating eagle

3 - #35 - Oliviero Masseroli - 10.0 votes

4 - #15 - franco benf - 9.0 votes

4 - #47 - Peter_private_box - 9.0 votes

The best place to view the full results of the game, will be the VM site, with the links provided, so a longer list, at the end of each month's game discussion is not needed.

Everyone has the option to add their photo to their gallery, but of course only after the game closes, to keep their identity secret during the game.

It is hoped that the winner each month will upload their photo to their gallery, then it can be contributed to this group, to make it a winners gallery.
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
You do not see the picture # 3 Oliviero
8 years ago.
 Piero Genova
Piero Genova
Hi Rob!
I noticed that the link to VM you gave above is wrong: there is a final apostrophe after "com" which invalidates it.
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
franco, with the new server, the previous proxy links that ipernity uses, no longer showed any of the pictures.
I have edited with the html text as before, and I do not know why yours does not show.
I tried just the image, without the link to the medium size at panoramiogames, but no.
The small image instead of a thumbnail does displays, ok. It is a puzzle.

Thanks Piero, that was careless of me.
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Modified the VM code that produces the html for the top five, now an easy copy / paste, and used in the earlier post above.
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Oh dear, two weeks later and all five 'proxy' image links, assigned by ipernity, are showing broken.
Whether or not it was again an issue with the server, the method does not appear permanent, so maybe just for a short term announcement post here. Photos are on external site, and best viewed there anyway.
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Regarding rule 2i, “photos must not exist in your Panoramio or ipernity gallery.”

Someone has asked about photos existing in their gallery at 500px.

Proposed revision, “photos must not exist on any photo sharing sites.”

The purpose of the rule, as with watermarks, frames and exif data, is to keep the photographer anonymous.

While it can be viewed as a problem, that your best photo for the contest has already been uploaded, and cannot be used, it can also be considered an attractive feature of the SPC, that a new one has to be taken, and tests your ability.

So with that thought in mind, would it be fair to allow a photo to be used, when the photographer has uploaded it elsewhere, but it is not at ipernity or Pano.

The risk of using a photo uploaded elsewhere, is that it could be mentioned in the open discussion, then the author is no longer secret, and the MM is obliged to exclude it. Even if only reported to the MM, why have a rule that is not enforced, so again the photo has to be excluded.

So like the speed limit on the road, if you choose to break the rule, and get caught, there are consequences.

" sharing sites", does that mean a photo at google maps is allowed, hah, hah.
But I thought, “… anywhere on the internet”, was going a bit far.

I do realise that the term "existing" would allow a photo that has been deleted from Pano, possibly well known, but how could one enforce "never uploaded". So it is left to the photographer to consider the "Secret" aspect of the SPC.
8 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Here are the top five

1 - #35 - RobStamp - 16.0 votes
Tidy Diggers

2 - #1 - patano - 9.5 votes
la bolla
Minimalism - SPC 10/2016 2° place - la mia bolla - (499)

3 - #39 - franco benf - 9.0 votes
Minimalism - SPC 10/2016 3° place - aaa..H2O

4 - #4 - patano - 8.5 votes
cerchio perfetto
Minimalism - SPC 10/2016 4° place - cerchi perfetti - (500)

5 - #18 - ►gu®iga56◄ - 7.5 votes
SPC 2016 Oktober Minimalism: 5. place, Őszi levél / Autumn leaf
8 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Non so se sia il posto giusto , vorrei chiedere di mettere l'indicazione del nuovo tema in una pagina apposita o comunque dove si possa vedere facilmente senza dover aprire troppi post. grazie. adriana
7 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Indeed, the comments about changes to voting procedure should have been here, and not cluttering the “Announcement of next SPC topic”. Also, I have sent you a personal message about using the “Email Alert” option in your VM account, to be told when the contest phase changes.
7 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Hi All

Revised from initial post of 22 hours ago.

How to get more players in SPC.

Why are we not getting new people playing the SPC, even among CWP players?
a) the need to register at VM site
b) low visibility (sharing) of photos
c) too complex at first sight for new players

Use an ipernity account for the photos (for a and b), and run it similar to the CWP (for c).

My thanks to Franco for telling me about the ipernity option that allows you to upload to your account by email, to an address generated by ipernity.
(This is better than the earlier method used at Panoramio, when photos were emailed to the moderator, who then uploaded them to the account.)
Probably suggest the same limit on image dimensions, for photos that will not be under their direct control.

Then as with CWP, the photos are added to a group, with a new discussion for each contest.

After the close of contest, the photo titles will need to be edited to credit the author.

For security of the account, just a few chosen moderators, able to use the CWP Toolbox, for making a VM, and for counting.

Just one new ipernity account, rather than one per contest, full club fee by me if required, or negotiate a reduced or free rate.
All photos will remain in this account, thus the group contributions remain, for history of contests.
Everyone can choose to upload to their own account, especially the top 5, to continue the existing SPC group.

One new SPC group, organised like the CWP, which will have all the contributions, ie separate from the existing group. So votes have to be posted, rather than saved, and counted with the CWP Toolbox.

May I have your permission to upload your entries, copied from the VM site, to a new ipernity account.
When the photos are there, and have been added to the new group, the contest will be visible at ipernity.
Then some description, instructions and promotion of the contest can be done.

Regards, Rob
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Rob you have mine as long as i know how "to do" but i am sure we will learn. not trying to pull away from VM though i hope.
6 years ago.
Ciao Rob, a me sembra una buona idea, un saluto, e buona giornata Bruno
6 years ago.
 Leo W
Leo W club
Hi Rob.

Am jetzigen Verfahren sind komfortabel:
+Die Stimmabgabe direkt in der Votemaschine
+Vergrößerung der Bilder direkt in der Votemaschine

Es war für mich als Newbe folgendes nicht komfortabel:
-Manual zur Teilnahme ist zu knapp
-Manual über Administration des Wettbewerbs durch den Sieger schreckt ab
-Beim CWP gibt es einen eingewiesenen Moderator und der Sieger schlägt nur das Thema vor. Ich unterstütze ein festes gleichbleibendes Administrationsteam.
-Der Registrierungsprozess ist nicht nicht transparent und dauert zu lang
-Transformation des Bildes auf die richtige Größe sollte beim Hochladen am besten automatisch erfolgen.
-Normale Teilnehmer sollten in der Votemaschine die Adminstrationsoberfläche nicht sehen.

Ich finde den Vorschlag gut, es komfortabler zu gestalten. Ganz habe ich noch nicht alles verstanden. Aber wir sollten deinen Vorschlag versuchen.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
I can see that some of you have only read my last email in the past couple of hour.

So I patiently wait for your permission to upload to ipernity.

You can see the progress with the new concept here

If we do get interest from new players, it is possible to change to the new system this month, if not, voting can be as usual at the VM site.

Cheers, Rob
6 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
Hi Rob, It's alright with me Peter
6 years ago.

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